
Hornik making the rounds, “not actively running for governor”

Jon Hornik2Just as we predicted at the start of the year, Marlboro Mayor Jonathan Hornik has started his tour of Democratic clubs and committees around the state, not running for governor.

The Star Ledger’s Auditor reports that Hornik spoke to the Warren County Democratic Committee last week, has met with several Democratic County Chairs and plans many other such meetings, not running for governor.

Posted: January 19th, 2014 | Author: | Filed under: 2017 NJ Gubernatorial Politics, Jon Hornik, Marlboro, Monmouth Democrats, NJ Democrats | Tags: , , | 5 Comments »

5 Comments on “Hornik making the rounds, “not actively running for governor””

  1. Monmouth girl said at 12:10 am on January 20th, 2014:

    What a tool.

    Besides getting elected what this guy done for Marlboro? Nothing!

    Now he is going to run for Governor?!

    Too afraid to run for freeholder.

    Too afraid to run first against Beck and last year against Kyrillos.

  2. He's a great said at 5:22 am on January 20th, 2014:

    Bs-er. In his mind he thinks he can win, but take him out of a town where daddy wasn’t mayor and he’s nothing but a lost little school boy. This man is a joke! Nothing but an empty suit. What he’s done to that town, I hope he does run and then gets properly vetted and then the people of Marlboro will know just how much of a crook their “little Johnny boy” is. EMPTY SUIT!!!!!

  3. trouble in marlboro said at 9:38 am on January 20th, 2014:

    hereeeis johnny, hes spent more taxpayer money in marlboro to get 100,000’s of thousands of dollars wheeled in, to run his campaign’s . he has the senior’s bam boozled. but when his skeleton’s come out when he’s really vetted for a higher office, his goose will be cooked.cannt wait until he gets his. he’s a nasty chicago thug politician, wht goes around comes around.

  4. Hmmm said at 11:20 pm on January 20th, 2014:

    Maybe he should quit his county tour and just go to Jersey City and ask to play the on deck position (Lt) when Fulop become Gov…

  5. MoreMonmouthMusings » Blog Archive » Hornik on Tommy G Show This Afternoon said at 12:13 pm on January 23rd, 2014:

    […] Mayor Jon Hornik is taking his not running for governor  tour to the Tommy G Radio Show this […]