Tom Kean Jr. in a fight he just can’t win: Moran
It was Christmas season, a light snow covered the ground, and all across New Jersey children were mailing letters to Santa Claus swearing they had been good. But in the state Senate, a political brawl was breaking out, one that guarantees the New Year…
of a long and arduous year that means nothing but disaster for the NJGOP.. as nice a guy as T2 can be, he is certainly not his dad, a most beloved figure even today, on both sides of the aisle..any discord among our party that is unwisely laundered in public always means exploitation by the bulldog Dems.. Sweeney will be ruling this state with such an iron hand from day one, the Reps will barely know what hit them.. and, this discord will not be effectively mended by anything one could call leadership by the state GOP, the chair seems to be there to raise money that winds up wasted, and the state committee is composed largely of RINOS who seem stuck in the glory of their nearly lifelong titles, and out of touch with any ability to connect, with the average overtaxed and exhausted NJ independent voter.. without any grip on reality,or any leadership to solve inner squabbles, or make any gains, on either legislation or numbers in either house, we are doomed to minority status-until at least the big guy exits, and after two long, progressive and budget- busting terms of next-gov Sweeney! Pretty pathetic!! And, really,shame on the big guy, too, for the non- involvement..
I share your dismal view of New Jersey’s future, It’s just the beginning, but I don’t think “the big guy” is the problem.
Junior picked a fight that “the big guy” warned him he wouldn’t win. And Junior wants the big guy to save hide? After Junior acted against Christie’s allies in the leadership battle? I don’t think it works that way after high school.
If Junior had listened to Christie’s strategists in the election, it’s very likely that Christie would have a functional majority in the Senate. If we had 18 or 19 GOP Senate seats, we’d be much better off than we are now.
Junior has painted himself into a corner. His only way out may be to give up his leadership post to run for U.S. Senate against Booker.
Lonegan won both the First and Third and nearly the Second. There was no reason to write off any of those seats.
Apples and oranges, Rick
[…] Now Kean Jr is Sweeney’s bitch and Kean doesn’t like it. Sweeney cut the Republican’s funding for staffing and distributed those reduced funds the way he wanted, not the way Kean wanted. Kean is whining to the press that Sweeney’s actions are “a threat to democracy.” […]
JR running for Senate is not a credible option. Mike Doherty will Slap Chop him in the primary, then turn him into Sham Wow and wipe him all over the political map. His political career will be finished, and he can go back to managing his estate.