US accepts UN will not back force against Syria
The United States concedes that Russia will not allow the UN Security Council to authorize military strikes against the Syrian regime, senior White House officials said Friday. Speaking on condition of anonymity, the officials said a UN report due on…
gets worse and more embarrassing by the day: today, Castro was hailing Putin’s fine diplomatic skills: doesn’t this sicken others out there? By the time 2017 arrives, I fear Putin will be calling all the shots on the world stage, and remember folks, this ex-KGB guy is a tyrant, doing nothing about is own country’s lack of personal freedoms , the horrid human trafficking situation, and other atrocities: certainly not in keeping with our ideals! Yes, Vlad, we are exceptional – that’s why so many keep pouring in her for a piece of our dreams and ideals!.. And, Vlad, you have a long way to go to become anywhere near the type of leader we would need,to get us out of the messes we are now in!