
Sen. Rand Paul: Gov Chris Christie Is The King Of Bacon

Christie: New Jersey is a donor state.  Doubts Paul will cut pork he’s bring home to Kentucky

By Matt Rooney, SaveJersey.com

The Christie/Paul 2016 skirmish got ugly on Tuesday evening, Save Jerseyans.

Responding to Christie, who inferred that Paul was a hypocrite for bringing home to Kentucky, Paul told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that ”[t]his is the king of bacon talking about bacon,”



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Posted: July 30th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Chris Christie, Hurricane Sandy, Rand Paul | Tags: , | 3 Comments »

3 Comments on “Sen. Rand Paul: Gov Chris Christie Is The King Of Bacon”

  1. Go Rand, said at 9:20 pm on July 30th, 2013:

    Hey, he’s right on a lot of things- would be a brave and excellent President, in my book.. Will be another battle of the RINOs and the true Republicans- hello, RNC, how many do ya have to lose,before ya go back to your roots and principles- if we don’t smarten up, we’re done..

  2. Bob English said at 8:00 am on July 31st, 2013:

    I wonder if Lonegan will bring his friend Rand Paul to New Jersey to campaign for him??

    Have a feeling the big guys phone might be busy when/if Lonegan calls.

  3. Shlomo said at 6:23 pm on July 31st, 2013:

    Rand Paul is right! Chris Christie is the King Of Bacon, actually he’s more the King Of All Pork! Just take a ride to Atlantic City and gaze at the largest slab of Bacon in NJ history, which calls itself Revel and cost taxpayers 100s of millions of dollars and still went bankrupt. Even Corslime could not come up with a more crappy investment.

    Spending is up, my property taxes are up, my homestead rebates are down, and all I read about is Chris Christie passing out the bacon to corrupt Democratic bosses like Joe DiVincenzo and Brian Stack in exchange for their endorsements. And if you think corrupt bosses like Stack and Joe D. are endorsing Christie because they believe in less government and more freedom, you probably also think George W. Bush was the greatest President who ever lived.

    I’ll vote for Rand Paul when he runs for President, but when it comes to Chris Christie I voted for Seth Grossman in the primary and in the general election I’m voting for the Libertarian candidate Ken Kaplan. Enough is enough!