Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon
State Senator Barbara Buono, the Democratic nominee for governor, yesterday said that the many Democrats who have endorsed Governor Chris Christie for another term did so to get more Sandy recovery money for their communities.
From NorthJersey.com:
Buono, the Democrat running against Christie for governor, said she believes many of the endorsements are “transactional.”
“A lot of the folks have said that they’re endorsing him because they’ve received assistance for Sandy and they need more. And you know what, they do need more,” she said. “And this is a governor that’s shown that he can be vindictive.”
Christie’s campaign spokesperson Kevin Roberts said that Buono hit a reprehensible and insulting new low by suggesting that Sandy aid was subject to horse trading.
Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon went further, saying that Buono is unfit for public office.
“This is an outrageous and infuriating character attack fabricated by a campaign that is floundering months before Election Day. Barbara Buono is vindictively lashing out because members of her own party think Chris Christie is a better choice. Governor Christie has managed to cross party lines in historic fashion and it leaves Barbara’s campaign void of any negative messaging fodder. So she does the only thing she can, attack her own people.
“I have known Mayor Adam Schneider of Long Branch for many years and I can say that he is, without a doubt, one of the most incorruptible people I have ever met. He cannot be bought! Barbara Buono should be ashamed of herself. Her shameless suggestion is that these mayors in these hard-hit communities can be bought is offensive to them, and to the voters of New Jersey. As a representative of some of the towns hardest hit by Sandy, this is a truly disgusting message and Barbara should be ashamed. Barbara’s suggestion that Governor Christie is vindictive is itself a vindictive act – against the members of her party who simply believe Governor Christie is the better choice. He stood up to members of his own Party to help the people so devastated by the storm. He has earned the support he has received. Simple as that.
As the Republican Budget officer it is incredible to me that one of the key architects of the mess that New Jersey was when Governor Christie took over can show her face on the street – never mind run for Governor. The fact that she is lashing out at dedicated local officials – who haven’t let partisan politics dictate who they support – further demonstrates that she is unfit for any office, never mind higher office.
Posted: July 19th, 2013 | Author: Art Gallagher | Filed under: 2013 Election, 2013 Gubernatorial Politics | Tags: Adman Schneider, Barbara Buono, Declan O'Scalon | 7 Comments »
I agree with every word Dec said. Babs, this is getting beyond embarassing.
I have to agree with Declan as well. I should have realized it months ago…
[…] By Art Gallagher | MoreMonmouthMusings.com […]
Seems to me people in your party were saying the same about you not to long ago.Is this all you have to do on taxpayers money?
“Simple as that”
Sort of. The statement contains clunky prose that dictates what the reader should think. Not very persuasive to a low information reader. Lot’s of red meat for the faithful.
What is that old saying about sinking ships?
Maybe if Babs did some serious horse trading she wouldn’t be forty points behind in the polls.