Zipprich Has More Campaign Cash Than Angelini and Casagrande Combined

Assembly candidate Ed Zipprich and Senator Barbara Buono and NY’s Gay Pride Parade, 6/30/13 facebook photo
Red Bank Councilman Ed Zipprich, a Democratic candidate for Assembly in the 11th legislative district, announced today that he has outraised his Republican opponents, Assemblywomen Mary Pat Angelini and Caroline Casagrande, over the last two fundraising periods and that he has more cash on hand than Angelini and Casagrande combined.
RED BANK– Today, Ed Zipprich, candidate for New Jersey Assembly (NJ-11), announced that he has outraised his opponents, Mary Pat Angelini and Caroline Casagrande, over the last two fundraising periods. Zipprich raised a total of $21,793 during the pre and post-primary reporting periods while Angelini and Casagrande combined to raise a total of $12,200. Additionally, Zipprich has $42,819 on hand compared to Angelini and Casagrande’s combined $37,873–$23,966 on hand for Angelini and 13,907 for Casagrande.”
“I am humbled by the amount of support I’ve received across the 11th district,” said Zipprich. “It shows our campaign is building momentum and that voters are starting to pay attention to the differences between myself and my opponents. Whether it’s on raising the minimum wage, ending special tax breaks for millionaires, or finally bringing marriage equality to New Jersey, the residents of the 11th district know I will fight for them.”
MMM verified Zipprich’s numbers at the NJ Election Law Enforcement Commission’s website.
Of the $16,367.72 Zipprich raised between May 24 and June 24, $8,200 was donated by 1199 SEIU, the healthcare workers union. $1000 was donated by Democracy for America, the PAC founded by former Vermont Governor Howard Dean. Fanwood (Union County) Mayor Colleen Mahr, who double dips as the Economic Development Coordinator for the Borough of Roselle gave Zipprich $2000. Former Red Bank Mayor Ed McKenna gave $500.
Cassagrande was unconcerned when reached for comment by MMM. ” I really don’t worry about having enough campaign funds because I won my first race after being outspent 6-1,” said Casagrande, “Mary Pat and I work very hard for our district.”
Angelini has not returned our last few phone calls, so we didn’t bother to call her for this post.
Throughout this legislative election cycle, Angelini and Casagrande have given $43,111 to other candidates, more than the $42,819 Zipprich has raised.
Most of that money probably comes from Red Bank elected officials who just want to get rid of the guy. He’s a really difficult person to deal with.
Ed is a great person.All you Republicans will be shocked on nov 5th.
Boy, I am now worried. NOT
Silence Dogood, Redux
the ladies should be ok. However, when you see wheeled- in moneys from large, dangerous unions like the SEIU, you take that seriously.. Zippy is enjoying the current distractions with the gay marriage issue-there are still an awful lot of taxpayers that are worn out from it being constantly in their face, don’t care who sleeps with whom, and just want representatives who focus on how much of their money they grab and pee away, and whether they can raise their kids, keep a job, stay off welfare, and have a decent life..
Hahah is this guy serious? “It shows that we are building momentum”….actually NO Ed, it shows that you are backed by fat cat democrats.
It goes back to that good ole’ dem motto of “take money from others and prop yourselves up.”
Wait so he raised $40,000 and someone is supposed to scared??? Ok, so now what happens when Casagrande & Angeini decide to steamroll Zipprich and that other guy (whatever his name is).
Are these guys serious that they are flaunting this? Come’on man.
Do they even know what the real issues are in the 11th district because as far as I can tell, the only thing worse Mr. Z’s policy record is his driving record.
Isn’t this the guy who refused to let a Pro-Life parade take place in Red Bank because of *cough* “security issues?”
I haven’t seen too many crazy pro-life gatherings….hmmmmmmmmm. Makes me wonder if there was, dare I say, a bias!
Lookie what I found:
Hey, can someone tell me where Ed was after Sandy hit, because I remember seeing Casagrande walking door-to-door checking on people in my neighborhood.
See Ed, REAL leaders actually do things to help people and not just post about fundraising on facebook.
The ladies are do nothings and are just puppets on a string for Christie.
Really, because REALITY would suggest otherwise. I guess I can say that Zipprich is just a puppet for SEIU or Howard Dean….
Is that you “bill” using another alias? It is hard to tell, but the sentence structure would sure fit.
@sensecommon- unlike you I don’t hide.Most of the posting here are disgusting name calling from cowards.But that.s what you Republicans do best.Lets not talk about the high unemployed or high property taxes or poverty in the district just call the person names
Slow your role buddy because I wasn’t name calling and believe me I’m not hiding, you have the wring damn person there.
Unlike you I don’t blindly follow anyone’s ideology or politics because they have a D or a R after their name. I call out people on their blantant bulls&$@.
‘If the truth bothers you then you should cease to ask the questions.’
do you feel it’s ok for Christie to waste $12 million on a special election?
There’s a lot of things I don’t agree with, but the law is what the law is. Even the State Supreme Court sided with him so it’s a moot point.
Do you agree that NJ sh
The law is what the law is. Even the State Supreme Court sided with him so it’s a moot point.
Do you agree that NJ should be a right to work state since not doing so costs hardworking residents millions of their dollars each year? (See SEIU)
And your game isn’t going to work because I criticize both parties when need be. The only non-Dem you seem to attack is Cory Booker.
Are we not talking about the 11th’s candidates? Stop pushing the bs. These candidates are not the Gov so stop using your rhetoric to spout your tirades.
I love how this guy is opening his mouth about how much money “he” raised, but if you look at it, most of it was done through online contribs. who support his “cause.” Not district residents.