
Understanding October Logic


Faced with Three Bad Options, Christie’s U.S. Senate Strategy Might Be the Least Terrible


By Matt Rooney, SaveJersey.com

You’ve already heard from plenty of angry conservatives/Republicans who think Governor Christie’s uber-controversial U.S. Senate vacancy timeline is tantamount to high treason. Our own Irwin Fletcher is on record believing it’s a huge mistake.

Allow me to play devil’s advocate for a moment without risking a verbal stoning from a digital lynch mob?

When Frank Lautenberg left this earth, Save Jerseyans, Chris Christie was faced with three legal options:

(1) Hold a special U.S. Senate election coinciding with this November’s general election;

(2) Wait until November 2014 for a vote; or

(3) Pick a date between now and November for a separate special election.

Let’s hypothesize how each scenario would likely pan out for the GOP…

Read the rest of this entry>>

Posted: June 5th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: 2013 Election, 2014 U.S. Senate race | Tags: , , , | 2 Comments »

2 Comments on “Understanding October Logic”

  1. Astraea said at 2:42 pm on June 5th, 2013:

    Thanks for laying this out so concisely! Some of us have thought about this “probabilistic risk assessment,” and come to a similar conclusion. If you go with an emotional knee-jerk reaction, there would probably be immediate gratification .. followed the ship sinking with all aboard in the end!

  2. MoreMonmouthMusings » Blog Archive » Never Underestimate Chris Christie said at 3:09 pm on June 5th, 2013:

    […] my young friend, New Jersey Rising Star Matt Rooney pointed out this morning, there was a better than even risk that the NJ Supreme Court would side with Trenton Democrats and […]