
What to get Mom for Mothers Day? Peanuts and Cracker Jacks? Surf and Turf?

It’s not too late to make plans for Mother’s Day.

seastreak logoIf Mom is a baseball fan, Seastreak is repeating its BOGO 2 for 1 special. This week they are sailing to the Met’s game on Sunday.  The boat leaves from Atlantic Highlands Harbor at 10:30 am and arrives at CitiField in time for the first pitch against the Pittsburgh Pirates at 1:10 pm.

For many, taking Mom out to the ball game would lead to an out at home.  If your Mom is foul on baseball or the Mets, here’s a tip for you.

Inlet CafeThe Inlet Café in Highlands reopens today after rebuilding from Superstorm Sandy.  The weather is supposed to be beautiful on Sunday.  Waterside dining on the Shrewsbury with views of New York City returns to this outstanding restaurant that is completely rebuilt and beautiful.

Posted: May 9th, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Things to do in Monmouth County | Tags: , , , , | Comments Off on What to get Mom for Mothers Day? Peanuts and Cracker Jacks? Surf and Turf?

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