Barnegat Woman Should Have Gone To The Airport

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A Barnegat women was arrested last week after exposing her breasts to security cameras.
Wendy Tucker, 56, got out of her car and flipped her middle fingers at security cameras before lifting her blouse and exposing her breasts to the cameras, according to the Asbury Park Press. The cameras were being monitored by police dispatchers.
Tucker was arrested on the strength of a no-bail warrant issued in Atlantic County. She was additionally charged with lewdness. She is being held at the Atlantic County Jail.
The Atlantic County Sheriff’s Department declined to say what the underlying charge for the no-bail warrant is. The Barnegat Police have yet to respond to the same inquiry.
Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon said that Tucker’s actions were not exactly what he had in mind when he encouraged New Jersey motorists to protest red light cameras.