
Democrats Lining Up To Challenge Angelini and Casagrande

By Art Gallagher

11 and 13th districts, NJMonmouth Democrats are expecting a contested convention race for the nominations for Assembly in the 11th Legislative District. 

Three of the five members of the Neptune Township Committee, Dr. Michael Brantley, J. Randy Bishop, and Kevin B. McMillian have expressed their interest in competing for the nominations for the two seats, according to a Democrat who asked not to be named because he/she was talking to a Republican blogger.   Red Bank Councilman Ed Zipprich will also seek a nomination, according to PoltickerNJ.

Republicans Mary Pat Angelini of Ocean Township and Caroline Casagrande of Colts Neck currently represent the district in Assembly.

The district is comprised of the Monmouth County municipalities of Allenhurst, Asbury Park, Colts Neck, Deal, Eatontown, Freehold Borough, Freehold Township, Interlaken, Loch Arbour, Long Branch, Neptune, Neptune Township, Ocean Township, Red Bank, Shrewsbury Borough, Shrewsbury Township, Tinton Falls, West Long Branch .

Monmouth Demcratic Chairman Vin Gopal will probably have to do some arm twisting to come up with a candidate to challenge Senator Jennifer Beck of Red Bank, according to the source.   The Republican Beck is pro-choice and pro-gay marriage.  She is very popular with Democrats in the district.  No one is currently interested in challenging her.

Posted: January 22nd, 2013 | Author: | Filed under: Caroline Casagrande, Jennifer Beck, Mary Pat Angenlini, NJ State Legislature | Tags: , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments »

10 Comments on “Democrats Lining Up To Challenge Angelini and Casagrande”

  1. Let the games begin said at 8:13 pm on January 22nd, 2013:

    It’s America, go ahead and file. The ladies have done a very good job, especially Caroline, and hopefully the voters will re-elect them as the Christie team in November: Dems would have to raise enough to not only hold their other districts, but have plenty to send down to new names in the district. We will see, which candidates have wound up costing those they serve more, with raising their taxes with over -spending at the local level, where the people pay the most attention.

  2. if. and a big if said at 9:47 pm on January 22nd, 2013:

    you know, if Chairman Gopal had any brains he wouldn’t run anybody against beck and focus all his energies (and $$) against these the two Assemblywomen.

    with that said, i fully expect him to field a candidate and waste what little money the monmouth dems actually have to play with.

  3. Joseph Assisi said at 10:33 pm on January 22nd, 2013:

    Whether it’s the legislature in NJ or the US, we have to make our Republican officials act more like real conservative Republicans.

    What ever it takes to defeat Dems and get more and better GOP’s in NJ and US legislature. Sometimes you just have to light a fire under your own people!

  4. Neptune-ite said at 10:12 am on January 23rd, 2013:

    You can have all three of ’em if you want them, we are tired of the bunch. Since the GOP is in shambles here I am confident the Dems will just replace those lost Committee members and retain their 5 – 0 control.

  5. SenseCommon said at 10:51 am on January 23rd, 2013:

    Tired of the bunch? Explain to me, in detail, what have Casagrande and Angelini not done to support the district and state?

    Casagrande has done an outstanding job assisting those that live in and outside of her district before and after Sandy. I would be proud to have her as our legislator in Trenton again!

  6. Casagrande? said at 11:34 am on January 23rd, 2013:

    Casagrande is too busy sucking up to Chris Smith and telling everyone she wants his seat. She is the least effective of all three.

  7. SenseCommon said at 12:18 pm on January 23rd, 2013:

    ^Wow…really? But how does possible future aspirations translate into her not being effective? I guess pushing bills to help children, mothers, taxpayers, and those dealing with the aftermath of Sandy means she is ineffective….

    I love baseless comments from those that only view an elected official by the R after their name.

  8. Caroline is super said at 4:40 pm on January 23rd, 2013:

    and deserves my vote. We all have our own opinions, but I for one am very proud of her, for her good speaking ability, her grasp of the issues, the outreach to the young people, and women, and being chosen for a leadership role by her superiors in the Assembly so soon in her career, bodes well for her as a legislator, and for her district. You go girl, keep doing the same good job you are already doing, we’ll be there for ya.

  9. @Sense - Common said at 8:52 pm on January 23rd, 2013:

    I know Neptune-ite and we were talking about this over dinner tonight. The bunch he was referring to was the NEPTUNE Dumbos.

    Forgive the miscommunication.

    The Neptune Dems are a bunch of hacks. The only problem is that even more worthless people would replace them

  10. MoreMonmouthMusings » Blog Archive » Monmouth Dems still looking to fill their dance card said at 6:06 am on February 18th, 2013:

    […] the 11th legislative district, as previously reported, there will be contested convention races to take on Republican incumbents Mary Pat Angelini and […]