Joint Statement of Governors Christie and Cuomo on Congressional Failure to Pass Hurricane Sandy Relief Package
Trenton, NJ – With all that New York and New Jersey and our millions of residents and small businesses have suffered and endured, this continued inaction and indifference by the House of Representatives is inexcusable. It has now been 66 days since Hurricane Sandy hit and 27 days since President Obama put forth a responsible aid proposal that passed with a bipartisan vote in the Senate while the House has failed to even bring it to the floor. This failure to come to the aid of Americans following a severe and devastating natural disaster is unprecedented. The fact that days continue to go by while people suffer, families are out of their homes, and men and women remain jobless and struggling during these harsh winter months is a dereliction of duty. When American citizens are in need we come to their aid. That tradition was abandoned in the House last night.
The people of our states can no long afford to wait while politicians in Washington play games.
Since the people of NJ “can no longer afford to wait”:
Will the Governors stop collecting federal income taxes and direct that revenue into state income taxes?
Will the Governors demand all soldiers born in NJ or NY, and deployed to foreign soil or elsewhere in the US, be brought back home, immediately?
Will the Governors succeed from the Union?
Or are the Governors happy that both states have for years and continue to pay more to Washington that they receive back and are releasing a statement just to pretend they are doing something?
Of course, most people across this nation also know that politicians asking for $60 BILLION so that $59 BILLION can be wasted or handed over to political and/or union cronies, same as Louisiana with Katrina money.
Which State’s DEM hqtrs were they speaking from???? Two big-Gubmint Libs.