
The video we’ve been anticipating…

Not released by the Governor’s office

Posted: March 9th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Chris Christie | Tags: , , , , , | 5 Comments »

5 Comments on “The video we’ve been anticipating…”

  1. Rick Ambrosia said at 7:18 pm on March 9th, 2012:

    This piece tub of lard human excrement is not even worthy to carry a Navy Seal’s knife, yet alone call him an idiot. What an F’n disgrace he his.

  2. TheBIGPicture said at 8:04 pm on March 9th, 2012:

    A grossly obese politician standing in front of a sign that says “prosperity” does not make for a good visual.

  3. Name (required) said at 12:59 am on March 10th, 2012:

    Brown is an ass – I’ m sure most would agree, along with many Rowan students and alumni The Governor was too kind to the democrat’s plant. Now watch how liberal media twists it. Brown is an embarrasment to the military with his ploy.

  4. brian said at 11:25 am on March 10th, 2012:

    Just another Fluking Demoncrat looking for his 15 minutes. Just because we served doesn’t give us the right to force our ideology on anyone–or else what are we fighting for???????????????

  5. Liam said at 12:31 pm on March 10th, 2012:

    This video is too heavily edited to make a valid judgement call. I’d like to see a version of this interaction that doesn’t cut out Brown’s role in the escalation of events.