
Who’s your Daddy?

Assemblyman Gilbert Wilson, D-Camden, has sponsored legislation that would compel genetic parternity testing of all infants at birth, according to a report on NJ.com.   The cost of the test would be born by the parents or the insurer.

While Wilson said the measure applies to mothers and fathers alike, “mostly this should be geared towards the father because with the mother, of course, there is no doubt.”

The problem is not limited to guests on angst-ridden television talk shows, said Wilson, a Democrat from Camden County who goes by the nickname Whip.

“I’ve heard different stories about fathers who are raising children and paying support for a child and come to find out years later that it wasn’t their child,” he said. “It’s a devastating thing to find out.”

Wilson said the bill would allow men who turn out not be a child’s father to seek reimbursement for support or other expenses they have incurred raising the child.

Our liberal friends at Blue Jersey called the bill “man-centered, not kid-centered. Shame.”

It seems to me that the legislation is truth centered but nanny state centric.

The bill doesn’t seem to have much of a chance of becoming law according to the NJ.com piece.

Wilson might have a shot of getting Republican support for the bill if it granted either parent named on a birth certificate the authority to order such a test at his/her own expense….if they don’t already have that right.

Posted: March 1st, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: New Jersey, NJ Democrats, NJ State Legislature | Tags: , , , , , | Comments Off on Who’s your Daddy?

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