Ethics Charges Dragging On In Marlboro
The ethics complaint filed last October by former Marlboro council candidate Christopher Dean will not get a hearing until next month at the earliest, according to a report in the NewsTranscript.
Dean, who is also the GOP municipal chairman in Marlboro, filed a complaint with the Township’s Ethic Board a week before the election because the Mayor and Council approved no-bid purchases of promotional items from Inkwell Global Marketing. Inwell is owned by Councilwoman Randi Marder’s husband. Marder, who works at the company, voted to approve the purchases, according to Dean’s complaint.
At the February 8 meeting of the Ethic Board, Dean said his complaint included Mayor Jon Hornick and Council Frank LaRocca. Board Chairman Michael Cali said Dean should file new complaints against Hornick and LaRocca.
LaRocca is a candidate for Monmouth County Democratic Chairman.
The board has not yet held a hearing on the complaint because they are unsure if they should do so in public or in executive session, out of concern for Marder’s privacy. Their new attorney, Kenneth Biedzynski, said he would advise the board on the proper venue for a hearing at the March meeting.
Dean requested that the board refer the complaint to the Local Finance Board.
and shameful example of foot-dragging by that majority, in that town.. one can see how useless a local ethics board is, especially when a one- party majority decides to ignore complaints they might be uncomfortable with.. this is a flagrant example of both conflict of interest and nepotism, of the most blatant order, and should be dealt with swiftly and harshly, in order to discourage the practice, elsewhere.. good for Dean and Gore, there: keep at it, and force the state board to take action, soon!
instead of this, maybe Dean can drive to the end of Texas Road and pick up his campaign signs that are still up at the point of Texas and Wilson roads in Matawan.
Since the Dems in Marlboro rule the town, this is a blatant example of abuse and sense of entitlement. Such a major conflict of interest. Do some politicians think that rules dont apply ?
pick up the signs, just like county and state workers do- all the real estate and other ad signs that pop up as 1st amendment right of expression along our highways and byways always go away after the event, so it is predictable,boring, and trite for us to hear the same-old, same-old about a harmless staple of our electoral process, every single, a really nice, bright and dedicated guy, Dean’s busy trying to bring some sanity back into that crazy town!!!
I live near Marlboro and drive through many parts of it. I have to say it appears to be a disaster of a town. I’ve never seen such a hodge podge of development. There is no rhyme or reason. Stores here, houses there, large scale developments here, throw back hillbillies there. Is there a master plan? Is there any concern over open space? There just doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to what goes on in this town? How do the voters keep rewarding the Dems in charge year after year? I sure as heck would move out of dodge if things don’t get turned around soon. Hopefully Dean can do it.
Let be state emphatically, I live in Marlboro, and the worst damage that has happened in this town regarding the master plan, zoning , planning, and development–or should I say overdevelopment–was undertaken by former Republican Mayor Matt Sannapieco. He accepted thousands in bribes; changed zoning, and even lived in a house built by Spallierio.
Before you state nonsense–check your facts.
that got inundated by the sophisticates from the big city, who were gonna teach these farmers how to run a town,school district, etc., and, along the way, selfish and shortsighted pols, of BOTH parties, squandered and plundered it away, to their aggrandizement, into the hodgepodge-mess it is today..and sadly, Manalapan ain’t far behind!.. let’s keep an eye on if/how the State keeps its commitment and really does give the town the former Marlboro State Hospital property over to the town and county, for a park/parks.. what they surely don’t need is another haphazard bunch of mega-mansions, and the traffic and school taxes it brings!