
Gopal Launches Campaign For Monmouth County Democratic Chairman

Vin Gopal, a Monmouth County business owner and 11th District Assembly candidate, formally launched his campaign to replace Victor Scudiery as Chairman of the Monmouth County Democrats today.  Scudiery sent a letter to his county committee members this week announcing that he is not seeking another term.

In a post on Blue Jersey, Gopal said that he has filled 75 vacant county committee seats in the past few weeks and that Monmouth County Democrats would work to defeat U. S. Senate candidate Joe Kyrillos in his home county.

Together, we will challenge Joe Kyrillos vote by vote in his home county and I will work tirelessly to make sure that happens.

In a press release this morning, Gopal boasted of the support he has received from more than 100 Democratic Leaders and the unanimous endorsement of the Monmouth-Ocean AFL-CIO Central Labor Council.

Marlboro Council President Frank LaRocca is expect to challenge Gopal for the chairmanship.  LaRocca was not available for comment.

Posted: February 14th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 U.S. Senate Race, Monmouth Democrats | Tags: , , , , , , | 5 Comments »

5 Comments on “Gopal Launches Campaign For Monmouth County Democratic Chairman”

  1. James Hogan said at 8:41 pm on February 14th, 2012:

    For a site full of Republicans, I’m a bit shocked that there is a real lack of hate for Vin, the evil, filthy, tax and spend, taxpayer money wasting, big government supporting, gay marriage supporting, baby killing, gun stealing, bible burning Gopal…. not that any/all of those things are true or based in any fact but then most of the personal attacks aren’t… why no hate??? Ps, with an endorsement like that, Vin should add me to his corrupt, thieving payroll!

    Amazing the people/things anonymous trolls attack vs leave alone…. i don’t get it.

  2. Wheres Rullo said at 9:59 pm on February 14th, 2012:

    Jim, maybe that’s because nobody here cares about him or about the Monmouth Dems who aren’t expected to win anything soon.

    Although I wouldn’t be surprised is the Rullobots show up boasting that Rullo didn’t endorse anyone in this race!

  3. JerryW45 said at 10:33 pm on February 14th, 2012:

    Best Thing That Could Happen To The Monmouth Republicans Is For The Dems To Elect Gopal.

    Hey, Hogan…

    Give Me A Call, I’m Desperate For Your Help

  4. Personally, said at 4:29 pm on February 16th, 2012:

    I hope Gopal gets it, is more local, and hopefully, less able to raise big dollars: any big lawfirm of D’s with connections is bad news, here…. the good news for the GOP is, their candidates have been quite lackluster, of late, including this person, himself!..

  5. Bob English said at 8:46 am on February 18th, 2012:

    Even though he did not win, Gopal made a good showing last time despite an onslaught of false and misleading ads run against him that even many R’s considered despicable. Was the only D candidate in Monmouth County to be endorsed by the APP.