NJ Senate Passes Gay Marriage Bill
The New Jersey Senate passed S-1, “The Marriage Equality and Religious Exemption Act,” on a 24-16 vote, according to Poltickernj.
Republican Senators Jennifer Beck and Diane Allen crossed the aisle to vote “YES” on the bill that the Democratic legislative leadership declared was their top priority of the year. Democratic Senators Jeff Van Drew and Ronald Rice voted “NO” with the Republican caucus.
The Assembly is scheduled to vote on the bill on Thursday.
Monmouth County Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon will be absent for the vote on Thursday as he will be traveling to attend Beck’s wedding. Beck is getting married, to a man, Highlands restaurateur Danny Shields, on Sunday February 18th. O’Scanlon told MMM that he is not ducking the issue, though he has not yet decided how he will vote should the bill come before the legislature for a veto override.
Governor Christie has said he will veto the bill and that he wants the issue put to referendum in November.
“Jennifer crossed the aisle”…after rejecting this twice; once in the Judiciary Committee, the second time during a general vote–after vowing to NEVER to vote for gay rights. Beck needs to go!
that, in a state and country with SO many financial and other real problems, that this gets to be their big deal for the new session thus far.. we PAY them to lower taxes and spending, and make it more affordable to stay in this place, NOT to get into peoples’ bedrooms and into others’ faces, with an issue that’s at the BOTTOM of thought/priority, in all national/state polls, and an issue that should remain as personal choices.. good God, frankly,even with the raise in tolls, they could always head on over to NY, if a piece of paper’s that big of a deal for them, they already have more actual rights than unmarried, heterosexual couples do, right now!
What a PATHETIC excuse not to be present for a vote. Sounds like oScanlon needs to be shown the door too. DO YOUR DAMN JOB YOU’RE ON OUR PAYROLL!
Not a good way for Declan to start in his new legislative district.
“Monmouth County Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon will be absent for the vote on Thursday as he will be traveling to attend Beck’s wedding.”
These representatives represent our views in Trenton. Declan, if your not going to be there, how the hell does my view get represented??
And you couldn’t answer if you would vote to override Christie???
Sounds like you and Beck perfect together.
Really you are going to attack one of the hardest working legislators we have for not being present to vote on “this issue” because he is honoring a commitment he made months before this issue was even on the radar.
Declan is one of the few legislators I know that does not factor politics into his votes but votes for what he thinks is right and he actually thinks about an issue before he votes on it. I don’t always agree with him but I wish he was still in my legislative district.
He could have answered the question as to his intent ( if it becomes necessary) to override the Governor. I am sure at this juncture he knows the answer.
I spoke to Declan twice over the weekend. At that time, he did not know how vote on an override.
As Mike said, Declan does actually think about an issue before he votes on it.