Walsh withdraws, backs DiMaso
Five minutes into the second ballot voting, Howell Mayor Bob Walsh withdrew his candidacy and requested that the convention support Serena DiMaso.
Freeholder-elect for a minute Serena DiMaso is about to be sworn in by County Clerk Claire French.
Walsh should have known that DiBella nominating him was the kiss of death. The only person more disliked in Howell besides Bob Walsh is Joe DiBella.
The county is in good hands with DiMaso.
Many in Howell were not with Walsh but Dibella was not his issue. Who cares about him. Walsh was the issue. He is his own worse enemy. Just ask Costigan. And Suzzie (“oink”) V., Baratta and Morloser don’t have the courage to put their names out there behind these nameless posts. Happy in Howell is more like happy at howellnj.com, the land of the scum and the home of the losers.
“Pride goeth before the fall”; I was surprised the vote wasn’t closer. Conceding midway thru the 2nd round of voting, made sure there weren’t more embarrassing results available for publication.
for seeing how it was going, and offering a gentlemanly hand in unity to Mrs. Dimaso-in front of some 500 people: others may not have done so.. many thought/think it was a class act, but, of course, the “forever nasties” among us have to grind him once more into the sand..how pathetic, really..
Well since there are few Sue V.’s in Howell,
I’ll assume that Tim (nameless) meant his comment for me. For the record, I ONLY post with my name and did not post on this site until today because people can post anonymously.(something Art Gallagher can verify through the required email) The comment I left today was under another thread and said, ”
Sue Veitengruber said at 11:21 am on January 14th, 2012:
Congratulations!! The best candidate definitely won by a terrific margin!!”
I guess that upset “Tim” who doesn’t have the backbone to share his full (real) name. I have a great deal of respect for Jim Gianell and have worked with him on campaigns. However, in November, I told him his candidate would not win, and I did encourage people to vote for Serena. In the end the GOP county committee did see her as the best candidate who would serve the ENTIRE county, not just one municipality. Congratulations, Serena, on a well run campaign. I am sure you will do a great job.
Well, Sue, there’s no guessing that “Tim” (first name, “Tiny?”) was referring to me inasmuch as he used my name.
As Sue noted, Art is well aware that when I post, I use my real name. Unlike Tiny Tim (maybe he’s still upset about that halfway house), I’m not afraid nor ashamed to put my name to my opinions.
I too chose to stay out of it until the day after because I didn’t want credit or blame.
The right decision was made and the Vulgarian was stopped at the gate.
Congrats, Serena!
those present saw a well-organized, fair, and professionally-conducted convention, with all courtesies shown, and a spirit of excitement and unity we haven’t seen in a while.. so, with that in mind,it would be most helpful, as we go forward in this tough and important year, that the classy, good losers show the poor- sport winners it’s time to stop the personal gripes and name-calling, so replete in one particular town that it has now become its identifying trait, and finally get on board with a winning team, and contribute some positive, actual help, to achieving that goal of victory, in 2012..
The babble from Sue (oink) and Baratta from meanhowellnj.com are why Bobby lost. People are tired of the Howell baggage. Bobby is Bobby and he hurt himself. But these slobs and outcasts don’t help. Sources in Howell say Sue lost her county election race in an embarrassing landslide a few years back and is a republican outcast so why is she even on this site? To stir up trouble. In the end Bobby was not the man for the job for a lot of reasons and those barbarians like “Oink” did not help him. So another election and another Howell mud festival. You guys are true to form. You make Manalaplan look good.
This is hysterical! Anonymous “Tim”opposes Walsh and is upset that Kathy Baratta, myself and others also opposed Walsh?
Here’s what “Tim” said:
“Tim said at 11:13 am on December 17th, 2011:
The person from Middletown said it best. NoBobby is nit prepared and this walking around “punch drunk” all the time is pathetic. Not qualified, not ready, not the guy. We’re sick of his routine in Howell and the thought of his taking that act on the road is scary. It is not that those of us against his candidacy have an axe to grind. It is that we know this guy and he is really just a goof, a joke. Just a bad choice for Freeholder. Brings dumbing it down to a new level.”
I agreed with Tim and quoted him. So just who was stirring up trouble? Hahahaha! It seems like Tim is doing the name calling. I guess the 1st amendment only applies to to “anonymous Tim.” Walsh lost because he broke all his campaign promises and is bad for Howell. He would have been worse for the county. People all over the county knew that. It also didn’t help that he made this vacancy about representation from Howell. a Freeholder represents ALL of Monmouth County, not just one municipality. There were very few posts on howellnj about Walsh.Here’s the link: http://howellnj.com/smf/index.php/topic,7733.0.html
It is quite an insult to the Monmouth County GOP County Committee for “Tim” to suggest that everyone (or at least half) read Howellnj and made up their mind based on solely those posts. Serena went out and won this election in a wonderful positive manner.
And Anonymous “Again” feel free to bring me a Curley & DeMaso sign for my lawn. Trust me, most of Howell is on board with that winning team and will be glad to help with phone calls, etc.
Sue (oink) loves to take credit for things. Doubt that any legitimate Republican wants their sign on her lawn. The sign would like disintegrate and burn up. Oink has a county wide reputation as a divider. This is why she was shown the door big time and anyone who is anyone knows that. No Lincoln Day, no nothing. That`s just a big bundle of trouble now thankfully on the outside looking in. Sue (oink) is still sore that Marie Muller beat her for the assembly like 25 years ago (thank heavens). She has no credibility on the Bobby issue. We agree he is not the man for the job and just a mess of a candidate. But many of us have known this for long time. She used to drink the Bobby cool-aid until he threw her off the MRSA board and shut her down. Then she turned and has been exacting her revenge on him since. Just ask Costigan. The good news is that Oink is finally out of republican politics and is relegated to the likes of web sites where the only damage she can make is contributing to her carpeltunnel. Oink-oink.
Bad news for Anonymous Timmy boy. He gets a “F’ in facts. I never ran against Marie Muhler. Marie first ran for the State Assembly in 1975 (before I lived in Howell)and continued in the Assembly until she went to work NJDCA in 1986. At that time Clare Farragher became the district 12 Assemblywoman. Both women were fantastic representatives for district 12 who I supported, and they wrote endorsements for me when I ran.
And Walsh did not throw me off MRRSA. He tried to illegally, but failed. My term was completed on Jan. 31, 2011.Revenge?? LOL!! Who needs it? All of bobby’s former supporters are just sitting back and watching him self-destruct. Had he stayed true to his orginal message he would probably be a freeholder now. And let’s see if the URC GOP nominates bobby for mayor in Howell this year.
Anonymous Timmy has a lot of other facts wrong among his postings too many to mention. But his biggest problem is his credibility because without a real name he has none.