Frank Pallone’s New Years Message
A New Year, A New District, Same Old Republican Antics
With each New Year we find ourselves reflecting on the past and setting goals for the coming year.
2011 was a year of tragically partisan politics in DC. The new Republican majority made it clear that fulfilling their backward social agenda was more important than putting Americans back to work. Rather than advancing any legislation that would continue the American recovery, they spent the entire year trying to roll back health care reform, proposing changes to Medicare and Social Security that would effectively end both programs as we know them, and manipulating the facts, trying to convince Americans that common sense environmental protections are hurting the economy.
As we enter into 2012 I re-new my commitment to you that I will continue to fight to protect Social Security and Medicare and stand strong against the Tea Party controlled Republican leadership. Most importantly, I, along with my Democratic colleagues, will work to implement our Make it in America agenda to put Americans back to work and ensure a sustainable recovery for our American economy.
2012 promises to be a year of many changes.
Some of these changes were made clear last week when the new boundaries of our Congressional districts were finalized. I continue to be disappointed that New Jersey lost a Congressional seat. We must not forget the lesson learned from this census and continue to fight for an accurate count looking forward to the 2020 census.
The new map poses challenges for our Party, but I am committed to my service to the residents of the 6th district and am eager to get to work. I am saddened that the new map moved towns that I am proud to represent into other districts, but am excited at the opportunity to introduce myself to residents of newly included towns, earn their votes and represent them in the new Congress.
We will be hitting the ground running with my 2012 campaign and I ask that you take a minute to sign up here to get involved. There is plenty of work to be done and, with your help, I have no doubt that we will celebrate a tremendous victory for our party in November, when we re-elect President Obama, re-elect Senator Menendez, regain a Democratic majority in the House and win offices throughout our state, county and local governments.
Thank you for you help in 2011 – your efforts for resulted in solid victories for the Democratic Party in the legislative elections, sending a clear message to Governor Christie, and a reminder to anyone who doubted it, that New Jersey is a Blue State. Let’s continue the hard work and move to even more victories in 2012.
Happy New Year and many wishes that 2012 brings health and happiness to you and your family.
Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr.
Yeah Franky,
We’re upset N.J. lost a seat this year; but we’re even more upset we didn’t loose YOUR seat.
Wow – he’s talking about the 2020 census?
Is he planning on staying that long?
Speaking of “putting Americans back to work” – how about that $1.6 MILLION from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that is being spent *wisely* in Pallone’s home town, and mine, the Great City of Long Branch, NJ USA by the Long Branch Housing Authority??
$1.6 MILLION to “create” 3 jobs. Surely, those three people are REALLY happy to have received $533,333/each. I should have applied for that job….
In the context of “putting Americans back to work” – good job on that “Gamecraft bumper pool table” for $411, the one Made in China. At least a few Americans worked as port workers importing them from a ship and a truck driver bringing the table to NJ. I surely hope to pay more taxes next year so that more people, like me, can have a pool table, and plus I can see why the housing authority needs a pool table, doesn’t everyone have one these days?
I also see the benefit of the HOUSING AUTHORITY spending $879 on “Script Copy, playbills, flyers, etc.” Sadly, I must have missed the performance, I guess the Housing Authority is in the entertainment business too?
The $936 “Computer upgrade” seems reasonable, and I can see how the housing authority might need that. But maybe next time I can be notified of the other technology work being done so that I can bid on the $1,035 “A/V and wire installation”, which is followed by a $5,300 “Sound & video system” or maybe it’s the $8,586 for “labor/IT/Cable/KT” I should bid on. There is also a $11,538 “new sound & video system”, so maybe that’s two sound systems, one for $5,300 and a second for $11,538? Or was the first $5,300 system just not good enough? Either way, I see the value, and how it puts Americans to work, to have $16,000 tied up in a sound system, at the Housing Authority.
And surely, the $11,150 “Computer upgrade – Dell laptop w/docking station” ; must be one heck of a laptop because even those nice Mac Book Pros are $2500 or so. So again, I hope to pay enough taxes this year to find out what a $11,000 laptop looks like, or why a housing authority needs such a machine since as a Software Engineer, a $900 laptop works great for me.
I do also suppose that the $14,608 “network upgrade/install wireless access” must be required to use that $11,000 laptop.
Of course, with an $11,000 laptop and $14,000 wireless network, the $11,957 “Server/CCTV Upgrade” and then $14,821 “cctv security cameras” to go with the $299,507 “CCTV equipment for Seaview Manor/Bucky James ” that immediately needed a $14,210 “CCTV security system upgrade” makes sense, especially with the murder over there and all.
And all of the spending of *my* tax money at the housing authority is doing great for my own private property values too, I mean, the value has decreased year after year since I purchased! I bet if we can keep “putting Americans back to work” at this rate, my home will be worth about $15 in no time…..
… but then this is the same Housing Authority property that we dumped $10million or so into a few years ago (… for 40 units… and again, I just have to think that here in the Great City of Long Branch, NJ USA, 40 houses, must bigger and nicer, could have been purchased for well under $250,000 each.
I’d mention the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act money spent in Long Branch on the sidewalks for Bath Ave but at the last city council meeting, a few dozen residents were quite unhappy with the lack of quality in the result.
Come to think of it…. the “American recovery” doesn’t seem to be advancing very much here, are you sure it’s working, or do you think this year I can hang on to a few of my own dollars and spent it, wisely, on my own?
I just love how he hates the tea party so much that he NEVER fails to mention us. I guess we should just feel so…so…I don’t know…special.
keep whining hogan and barbara, im sure Pallone cares as he cruises to another 65% victory
Taking and reposting!!!
@ James reposting your comment too lol