
Who Do You Like For Freeholder?

The Monmouth County Republican Committee will hold a Title 19 election on January 14 to select Assemblyman-elect Rob Clifton’s successor on the Board.

It’s one month away.  Who do you favor?

Posted: December 15th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Monmouth County, Monmouth County Board of Freeholders, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: , , , , , , , | 11 Comments »

11 Comments on “Who Do You Like For Freeholder?”

  1. Truth Hurts from Howell said at 11:05 pm on December 15th, 2011:

    “ABBW”. That is “Anybody But Bob Walsh”.

    You have to trust us that this is NOT the man for Freeholder. Can you see him up there? Seriously? We need serious people, no class clowns (or dopey elfs). He is a train wreck in Howell. He is laughed at in Howell. He is finished in Howell. His own Republican Chairman is backing someone else. Running for Freeholder is his only option. Have you watched the video of him at the Howell Council meetings? Have you seen him on the stump? This is embarrassing, honestly.

    Serena would be a better, safer choice. Peter or Ryan would be a safer choice. Mickey Mouse would be a better choice.

    Actually “ABBW”!!!!!!!! Leave the Howell trash in Howell.

  2. MiddletownR said at 11:07 pm on December 15th, 2011:

    Had the chance to meet all 4 of them today. I liked Doyle, right now he’s my top choice. Walsh seems what people would call “off the reservation”, Green’s only job experience on the resume is as “social worker” (plus he seemed to be McEnery’s puppet), and DiMaso didn’t impress me at all (but would be 2nd choice).

  3. Jim Sage said at 12:55 am on December 16th, 2011:

    Truth (aka…nah never mind),

    Your obsession with Bob is getting way overboard. Perhaps he turned you down for a date?? No one cares who you dislike. Just go away already!

  4. Not Jim Sage said at 7:08 am on December 16th, 2011:

    I nominate Sage’s comment for comment of the year.

    Jim Sage accusing someone else of being obsessed with a candidate. That’s freakin’ classic!

  5. Rick Ambrosia said at 7:35 am on December 16th, 2011:

    None of the above.

  6. Tim said at 8:09 am on December 16th, 2011:

    Nice credible poll. Obvious it can be rigged. Read the site last night at about 11pm and Walsh had like 4 votes. And them whamo…overnight he gets 200 more. Yeah right. What a farse. The only possibility is all the Howell republicans and everyone else in town voted as to help get him the he’ll out of town! Mr. truth is right. Bob is a mess. Off the reservation is an understatement. He’ off the planet actually. The slate of Freeholder candidates is like the Republican choice of presidential candidates…shall we say lacking. We need some grown ups to enter the race. What we have now is weak and beat-able.

  7. Truth Hurts from Howell said at 8:21 am on December 16th, 2011:

    I will not go away. It is an important responsibility to speak the “truth”. We’re not “da’truth squad” but you get the point. The facts are that he is not fit to be Freeholder. You’ll be sorry if he gets the nod. Its not that we’re stalking. It is that we have to get the truth out there that this is a mad fit to be doing standing up at chuckles comedy club and NOT Freeholder. You’ll see ad you may learn the hard way.

  8. Middletowner said at 9:34 am on December 16th, 2011:

    Bob Walsh came into Middletown last night completely unprepared. Didn’t know the issues of the county, no opinion on Brookdale trustees, etc… Came off as a loose cannon with an I don’t care attitude. I can promise if he is the appointee in 2012, we will be finding a candidate in 2013 because he will get demolished in the polls.

  9. MoreMonmouthMusings » Blog Archive » About the poll said at 9:45 am on December 16th, 2011:

    […] has a point. I laughed heartily first thing this morning when I saw that the Freeholder poll had 300 votes overnight.  I checked the site statistics which reveal there was only 140 overnight […]

  10. TR said at 10:54 am on December 16th, 2011:

    Truth hurts obviously has some sort of axe to grind. I like Walsh and I like Serena. I have not seen anything that disqualifies either one. I looked at the “video” truth hurts is touting and I saw lame duck political opponenets who got voted out of office trying to stifle debate.

    Walsh has been elected in Howell I believe 3 times despite the Republican Chairs (at this point) childish opposition. His old political rival Joseph Dibella endorses him. I have heard him speak. He is not the greatest public speaker and he is a little long winded but he has good solid ideas.

    I am not endorsing him ( as if anyone cares) or Serena but I can not let unfounded smear campaigns go unchallenged.

    Neither candidate appears to have disqualyfing character traits so I once again call for a campaign where we just talk about the ideas the candidates have.

  11. Tim said at 11:13 am on December 17th, 2011:

    The person from Middletown said it best. Bobby is nit prepared and this walking around “punch drunk” all the time is pathetic. Not qualified, not ready, not the guy. We’re sick of his routine in Howell and the thought of his taking that act on the road is scary. It is not that those of us against his candidacy have an axe to grind. It is that we know this guy and he is really just a goof, a joke. Just a bad choice for Freeholder. Brings dumbing it down to a new level.