Irish Americans Should Support Thomas Nast’s Induction Into The NJ Hall of Fame
So should the Assemblymen who are opposed to his nomination
Thomas Nast, the 19th century political cartoonist who gave Harper’s Weekly enough political influence to topple Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall and to sway the election of two presidents, Grant and Cleveland, has been nominated for the New Jersey Hall of Fame’s class of 2012.
Nast, who popularized the image of Santa Claus and the partisan symbols of Donkeys and Elephants for Democrats and Republicans had an undeniable and enduring impact on American culture.
Nast lived in Morristown for over 20 years, starting in 1872.
His nomination to the NJ Hall of Fame has generated controversy from the Irish Catholic community who contend the artist was a anti-Irish/anti-Catholic bigot because he frequently depicted the Irish as drunken apes and Catholic bishops as crocodiles. Neil Cosgrove of New City, NY wrote in a Letter to the Editor in The Star Ledger that Nast is “the father of hateful and negative anti-Irish stereotypes that Irish-Americans continue to struggle against today.”
This Irish-American Catholic hasn’t struggled against stereotypes today, or any other day that I can remember.
Three New Jersey Assemblymen have jumped on the anti-Nast bandwagon. reports that Wayne DeAngelo (D-Mercer) and Dave Rible (R-Monmouth) have called on the NJ Hall of Fame to withdraw the nomination. Scott Rumana (R-Passaic) issued a press release echoing DeAngelo.

Pardon. Franchise. Columbia.-"Shall I trust these men, and not this man?" ~ Harper's Weekly, August 5, 1865
The Assemblymen and the Ancient Order of Hibernians have it wrong. Nast was not a bigot. Far from it. His political art, starting during the Civil War and through Reconstruction was fervently pro-equality for Blacks and other minorities.

'"The Chinese Question.' Columbia- "Hands off, gentleman! American means fair play for all men."' ~ Harpers Weekly, February 18, 1871
Nast’s anti-Irish and anti-Catholic cartoons were political, not ethnic or religious.
Morton Keller, Professor of History at Brandies University addressed Nast’s anti-Irish, anti-Catholic work on the centennial of the cartoonist death:
It may be asked why Nast’s sympathy for blacks, Indians, and Chinese did not extend to the Irish and Catholicism. Mid-nineteenth century liberals—and Nast certainly was one of them—regarded the Catholic church as the fount of anti-modernism and fanaticism. (See fig. 16.) This attitude was reinforced by the commitment of many Irish-Americans to the Democratic party, hostility to abolition, and Negrophobia. The intertwining of his hostility to the Church, the Irish, and the Tweed Ring suggest that for him this was another chapter in the ongoing struggle to preserve the American Union, and Lincoln’s new birth of freedom, from its enemies. In this sense the Confederates, the anti-Reconstruction, pro-Johnson Democrats, and the Tweed Ring and the Catholic church were parts of a collective whole. It stirred in Nast the peak of his distinctive mix of artistic inventiveness and political passion. (See figs. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22.)
These drawings spoke to the political and social concerns of the core urban constituency of wartime and postwar Republicanism: Protestant farmers, professional and businessmen, shopkeepers, artisans.
This is Nast’s third year as a nominee for the New Jersey Hall of Fame. He’s up against tough competition in the “General” category. If not for the controversy, I would have chosen between Milton Friedman, Joyce Carol Oates or Governor Tom Kean.
But I voted for Nast and hope you do too. My fellow Irishmen from the Ancient Order of Hibernians should have researched Nast before making a PC stink and acting like Tommy DeSeno with his rants about how Italian-Americans are depicted in the movies. If the controversy the Hibernians created over Nast puts him over the top of the voting and into The Hall, it will be just comeuppance.
You don’t get to pick and choose who you are racist towards. The Irish do still struggle against negative stereotypes. Youv’e never heard of someone calling the irish a drunk or a fighter? Isn’t that what Nast drew about?Tom Nast was a bigot, and a racist towards the Irish. He also had Nativist sympathies. You should be ashamed to call yourself an irishman if you voted for this bigot.
If a cartoonist draws pictures of apes, and comments on the African-American or Hispanic community, would people be offended then? I’ll bet the cartoonist never would have even made it to be a nominee to the NJ Hall of Fame. Double Standards.
Tom Nast also flipflopped on Slavery numerous times. He drew a cartoon with an Irishman on one side of a scale and an african on the other side. He said there is no honor in elections because africans are with republican party and irish are with democrats. You should do more research before you parade Nast as a reformer.
Tim, Since neither of us were there…we are learning about Nast from historical accounts, I won’t get drunk and fight you about him.
Even if I were to concede your points, which I do not, I rely upon the words of another fine Irishman, Mike Lynch, to buttress my support of Nast’s induction into the Hall:
So long as we’re cherry picking, we might also add that Thomas Nast supported the plight of the Native Americans, that he supported Abolition, that he fought to end political corruption. Tweed offered him a $100,000 bribe, to stop drawing those “damned pictures,” which he turned down.
Late in life, to give you an idea of the esteem in which he was held — this cartoonist, Mr. Nast, was appointed by Teddy Roosevelt to United States’ Consul General for Ecuador. After selflessly helping many people and businesses there escape a yellow fever epidemic, he succumbed and died from the disease on December 7, 1902.
Judging people from history with our present-day morals is a dicey thing to do. Heck, we have slave holders on our money.
Racist immigrant humor was, unfortunately, typical back then; a staple of the cartoon and the music hall — just like flatulence jokes and getting hit in the nuts is part of popular humor now. To condemn a man for his faults and not weigh it against his roster successes is not realistic. And I would like to think that we are living in a world where Protestants and Catholics can get along.
This is utter hogwash. If an anti-Catholic and anti-Irish bigot like Tom Nast is allowed into the “NJ Hall of Fame” it should be renamed the “NJ Hall of SHAME” because that is what it will have become. It will have lost any credibility it might have had.
While Thomas Nast gave us the familiar rendition of Santa Claus and was considered one of America’s most talented cartoonists and caricaturists, his bigotry against the Irish, the Italians, and the Roman Catholic Church render him unworthy of entrance into The New Jersey Hall of Fame. To be regarded as an inducted member of that prestigious hall, one must be first and foremost morally sound. Nast was not.
Salvatore Buttaci, author of A Family of Sicilians…
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