
Fiore Will Not Be A Candidate For Freeholder

By Art Gallagher

Middletown Mayor Tony Fiore, fresh off his reelection to his second term on the Middletown Township Committee, says he will not be a candidate to fill Freeholder Director Rob Clifton’s seat early next year.

Earlier this week, Politickernj reported that there was a “major push” to get Fiore to enter the race.  Fiore said he has been receiving overtures from various county leaders to run for months, that he has a great deal of respect for the current Republican Freeholders and that it would be an honor to serve with them.  However, running in a county-wide campaign for two consecutive years after just having completed a campaign in Middletown is not in the cards given his family and career obligations.  The Fiore’s have a 4 year old and a one year old.  Tony was recently promoted in his job at Prudential Financial Services.

Clifton was elected to the State Assembly two weeks ago. He will take office in Trenton at noon on the second Tuesday in January and must resign as Freeholder before he joins the Assembly.  Clifton’s replacement will be elected at a convention of the entire Monmouth County Republican Committee.  The winner of the convention will take office immediately and be expected to defend the seat in the November 2012 general election and again in 2013 at the scheduled expiration of the term.

The current contenders are Howell Mayor Bob Walsh, Holmdel Deputy Mayor Serena DiMaso and Manalapan Deputy Mayor Ryan Green.

Posted: November 18th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Freeholder, Monmouth County, Monmouth County Republican Committee, Monmouth GOP | Tags: , , , , | 4 Comments »

4 Comments on “Fiore Will Not Be A Candidate For Freeholder”

  1. Chris said at 11:33 pm on November 18th, 2011:

    What about Andy Lucas?

  2. ArtGallagher said at 8:07 am on November 19th, 2011:

    Lucas will not run. Ryan Green’s appearance at the Western Monmouth Chairmens screening meeting is an indication that Steve McEnery’s contingent is putting a new horse in the next race.

    The farm deal and all the publicity it has generated puts Lucas on the back bench for the foreseeable future. He’s young, he can come back later if he wants to.

  3. observer said at 9:48 am on November 19th, 2011:

    What about George Newberry he also wanted the nod last year? Do you think Anne Marie Conte will vie for the job instead? Both were just re-elected.

  4. Love George, said at 9:29 pm on November 19th, 2011:

    he is such a great guy, family man and community servant, who brings lots of enthusiastic volunteers, fundraising ability, and a humble, dedicated personality to the fore- very refreshing.. not sure he wants in this round, though.. Bob Walsh has been working very hard since the last spring screening, is attending everything and getting to know many folks..he also brings a lot to the table..this will be grueling, running 2 yrs. in a row: they must be totally committed to both races, know a lot about the county, a half-billion corporation with 3,000 employees, and,the 53 towns, also..some names floating are either too new and untested, or have been gone too long, are past their time.. it is wise for Lucas to finally drop, he unfortunately would be poison to the ticket, period.. all candidiates need to first phone Chairman Oxley and provide their bio right away- don’tdisrespect the leader, please..all eligible c.c. voters interested need to meet and learn about each person, and weigh them carefully, before voting- we must pick a winner!