
Election Day is Tomorrow!

Some developments across our reader area:

Mary Pat Angelini has been endorsed by Democratic Mayor Adam Schneider of Long Branch:

From the Desk of
Mayor Adam Schneider
1141 Lincoln Square, Long Branch, NJ 07740

November, 2011

Dear Friend,

We have a very important election next week, and I’m writing to ask you to vote for my friend and our advocate, Mary Pat Angelini for the State Assembly.
I have known Mary Pat and her husband Bob for many years. Mary Pat is a smart, dedicated, compassionate and open-minded person, who will be a great representative of Long Branch and all of the communities in the 11th Legislative District.

I am a Democrat, although I have always believed that voting for the best person is the most important thing. As Long Branch Mayor, I have worked with people of all party affiliations in order to get things done. Mary Pat has been the same way in Trenton and she can put aside philosophical differences to do what’s right for her community.

With our economy facing so many problems, we can’t afford to send the wrong people to Trenton. We need all the smart and effective people we can get in government, regardless of party. That’s why I’m asking you to vote for Mary Pat Angelini for Assembly.

Please make sure you vote on Tuesday, Nov. 8.

Adam Schneider

Long Branch Mayor

The Princeton Packet has endorsed a Republican for Mayor of Princeton Borough:

Princeton Borough has an opportunity next week to elect a mayor who will lead the town through some challenging times.

Should consolidation pass, the mayor will be the one to guide the borough into unity with the township. Should it fail, the mayor will have to heal the wounds and move on.

Jill Jachera has the skills, intelligence, experience and leadership abilities to best get the job done.

When speaking with her about the issues or asking about her plans for the borough’s future, her answers are thoughtful, structured, clear and concise.

A lawyer by profession, her training would be helpful in dealing with the needs of the town. She would be focused on how to accomplish what must be done if there is a transition of governments.    Her background would make her function as a strong advocate for the residents and their needs.

During two sessions to discuss the issues here at the Packet with her opponent, Yina Moore, Ms. Jachera’s answers demonstrated her grasp of what needs to be done. She proved she is able to present herself well and think on her feet.

She was frustrated by the lack of public debates and so were we. It is hard to believe that her opponent could not have found the time to debate had she so desired.

We think Ms. Jachera would bring a fresh approach and new energy to the office of mayor.

While relatively new to politics, that is not a negative. She would come into office very much free of the political baggage that is so prevalent in the borough. She is not an insider. Her allegiance would be to the people.

We also know where she stands on the issues, particularly on consolidation, which she has clearly stated she supports.

We find her opponent’s unwillingness to take a public position on what is the most important issue on the ballot to be a serious flaw in leadership, accountability, transparency and judgment.

Although her opponent is a graduate of Princeton, Ms Jachera has made improving relations and communications with the university a priority, which is something that needs to be done.While she is running as a Republican in a very much Democrat community, Ms. Jachera has shown she can work with people of either party. Indeed, she says it was Democrats who convinced her to run.

When it comes to a community the size of Princeton Borough, party politics simply should not be the deciding factor. Party politics is what is wrong with government from Washington to Trenton.

It doesn’t belong where the issues are local. What difference does it make if the person who is representing the residents’ needs of public safety, taxes, public services and recreation votes blue or red on national or state issues?

We think Jill Jachera is the best choice to be mayor for all of the residents of the borough and will breathe new life into the office.

This is an interesting race. The Democrats have a vice-like grip on local government in the Borough. Congressman Rush Holt has been involved in the local race. The Democrats major complaint about Jachera? “She works for a law firm that represents Municipalities against Labor unions.”

Hum…yeah, that’s a bad thing? Shows how out of touch The Princeton Democrats are with the current times.

In other local elections, Marlboro Mayor Jon Hornik still has a huge ego, despite not improving conditions in Marlboro at all.

In Pt. Pleasant Beach, the Democratic candidate has dropped out, and endorsed the GOP candidate over the Independent, incumbent former GOP Mayor.

In Red Bank, Grace Cangemi deserves to win.

In Monmouth County, The Neptune Nudniks completely dropped the ball by endorsing an incumbent democrat and an independent for the Freeholder spots. I doubt it will make a difference, as there are only about 17 people that still read the paper.

In Highlands, Art Gallagher is still on the ballot!

In Old Bridge, the GOP is making a huge fight of it, and looking to tear the Democrat machine down. The Democrats have voted huge benefits for union employees, over the objection and admonishment from the State DCA, and a Democrat operative has been arrested for vandalizing the GOP headquarters. You can’t make this stuff up.

In Eatontown, LG Kim Guadagno will be helping to get out the vote this afternoon, at the Eatontown/11th District headquarters on Highway 35.

In Marlboro, the huge ego of Jon Hornik may not be re-elected, dashing all hopes for a democrat to make a race of the next state legislative election.

Post your local election tidbits in the comments!

Posted: November 7th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | 11 Comments »

11 Comments on “Election Day is Tomorrow!”

  1. James Hogan said at 11:17 am on November 7th, 2011:

    Noteworthy that a 20+ year incumbent Democrat in Gopal’s hometown doesn’t give him the big endorsement. Maybe it’s just a “safe” way to distance himself from Gopal. Maybe Gopal should be happy about this endorsement since it’s one less apparent tie to a less than stellar individual in Scheneider who is accused of shady dealings by other [more?] shady folks like Unger or Dwek. To try to be fair, Jim Sage likes to note Dwek made a significant donation to Beck that may, or may not, have been returned. Small world.

    In Sea Bright, Republican JoAnn Kalaka-Adams is back on the ballot for mayor against Democrat Dina Long. JoAnn Kalaka-Adams lost the 2007 election by 4 votes. This mentioned just as a friendly reminder that no matter where you live, your vote does count so get out and vote and make sure we don’t have another year with another run-off election because you were too busy or too lazy to go vote.

  2. Jim Sage said at 3:01 pm on November 7th, 2011:

    James, keep in mind I asked for a copy of a letter of acknowledgement–she refused. So its also a full disclosure and transparency issue as well.


  3. Dear Mr. Hogan said at 3:25 pm on November 7th, 2011:

    Is it true Jen’s campaign contributions were negatively impacted by Sage?? I heard this from a CC person, and that combined with the fact I have seen little advertising kind of makes sense. For the record, I am not for JB, due to her gay marriage stance( this time for it), and the pro-choice stance. I think this race will be difficult for her and the other two this time around. I truly believe this race is still up for grabs, and the Engle story certainly did not help–the timing of the story is also very unusual, but then that stupid flyer also came out very late in the campaign.

    I am asking you because you seem to be tight with her campaign people.

  4. Impact said at 4:49 pm on November 7th, 2011:

    Sage’s impact on contributions? According to ELEC, Beck raised $190k for the general election, and had $63k cash on hand as of Oct 27.

    I wish Sage would have such an impact on myself! Pleeease!!!

  5. Jim Sage said at 5:17 pm on November 7th, 2011:

    Yes, please!!! I wish I had that impact. It should be noted that the public government unions are not supporting her for her vote on the Healthcare and Pension Reform Act. Last time they did.

  6. James Hogan said at 6:24 pm on November 7th, 2011:

    Mrs Anonymous at 3:25 — you should not confuse me with some insider in any campaign or committee, I’m an Average (at best) No One and I know it and try to remind people of it daily. Anything I know, or rather, anything that I think I know, is something I managed to pickup by chance of attending some event that is open to anyone willing to attend, or researching some information that is available to anyone willing to go look. I have no special access to anyone or anything, I don’t get invitations to any secret smoke fulled rooms, and despite that I’m a GREAT heel here on MMM, most people (I think rightly) consider me a nice guy, recognize that I really do work hard for all of the Republican candidates, even ones I have disagreements with, and are willing to talk to me about almost anything.

    So that said, to the best of my knowledge, CC members, self-included, have never been invited to some special session to discuss Sen. Beck’s campaign finances. If a CC person is telling you about Beck’s campaign funds, I suspect that they are either making things up or looking at the same ELEC reports you can find. There are people on CC who do nothing, and people who do much much more than me, there are also people not on CC who do much more than me – again, I’d guess that none of them know Jen Beck’s campaign finances unless they are Jen Beck, or maybe Mike Hughes or another close campaign worker, not just some volunteer or CC member. *MAYBE* Mary Pat and/or Caroline know about her campaign finances, and maybe some State Committee folks, but even then – I doubt they know either – a real insider could set me straight, or if you want to name the CC person who knows Beck’s campaign finances so well, I’d be happy to (try to) talk to them to figure out how I too can get the BIG invite to the smoke filled room where such information is shared before the ELEC reports are filed. If you don’t want to share the name here on MMM, jhogan at long branch republicans dot com – send an email and I’ll see what I can find out.

    And after all of that – Based on what I hear/see from within the walls of my cubicle here in the private sector — with (a little, but not a lot of) disrespect to Jim Sage, he has had no impact on Beck’s campaign. If he is claiming to, IMO, he is lying. Likewise, I have not impacted Beck’s campaign, nor has MMM, Dan Jacobson, that guy she’s running against, or anyone else. IMO, Jen Beck herself, and only Jen Beck has impacted her campaign. Jen Beck’s record is what she has made it, and I’m happy, overall, with her record and I firmly believe that NJ voters, overall, should be happy with her record, but willing to note their differences and value their free speech right to do so. The issues being discussed are issues that Jen Beck has been willing to discuss. The money Beck has raised is from people, including me, who believe that overall she is making a positive difference in NJ and D11(/12).

    But again, don’t take my word for anything about Beck, Sage or anyone else, you can do your own reading, research and talking at events – the county website lists them all. I simply give my $0.02 here because I have nothing better to do and enjoy doing it. My livelihood doesn’t depend on election results and I’m involved only because I love the freedoms I’ve been enjoying all day today, and all day yesterday, and all of the days before that. I believe Jen Beck has a record that demonstrates, overall, that she has a similar love for freedom, or at least a better record and a better vision for freedom than the other guy.

  7. SB1965 said at 8:23 pm on November 7th, 2011:

    Election Day is tomorrow? This year I am unsure I will vote.. First time in my life.

    Is Mary Pat Angelini, Sean Kean and Dave Rible Pro Life or Pro Choice?

    From what I understand they are all Pro Choice…

  8. Jim Sage said at 9:08 pm on November 7th, 2011:

    James, I agree with your assessment 100%. I know nothing of Beck’s finances other than that reported on ELEC.

    I do know that government unions did not contribute this year as in the past.

  9. momwillto said at 10:08 pm on November 7th, 2011:

    Kean & Rible are pro life and respect the institution of marriage between a man and a women.
    Angelini is split & favors same sex marriage. Don’t figure….. one screwed up female!

  10. Nope said at 7:35 am on November 8th, 2011:

    Endorsed by adam schneider? That’s all I need to know. Not voting for Angelini

  11. Princeton Observer said at 1:07 pm on November 8th, 2011:

    Dems other major complaint about Republican Mayoral candidate Jill Jachera is that she maxed out a financial donation to Scott Sipprelle in 2010. Holt is robo-calling like crazy, and sweating. If the Dems lose Princeton, there is hope for America.