

Art Appeared in Court today in front of Judge Thomas F. Scully. He did not waive his right to an extradition hearing. A hearing date was set for November 16. Additionally his Lawyer Michael P. Laffey of the Holmdel based Messina Law Firm filed a motion to have Arts bail reduced to $50,000.00 with a 10% option. It is currently set at $250,000.00 with no 10% option. That motion is being reviewed by the Judge. Mr. Laffey also informed the Judge that Art has an attorney in Delaware who is working on arranging for Art to submit to Delewares Jurisdiction. The Judge indicated that if that is arranged he will immediatly schedule a court appearance to waive the extradition hearing so that things can then proceed in Delaware.

The first row of seats in the Court Room were filed with Art Gallagher supporters.

After the hearing Mr. Laffey issued a statement that ‘Art Gallagher legally repossesed the buses in question. Watson Bus Company was in default under its lease agreement. There was no theft.”

Posted: October 20th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | 46 Comments »

46 Comments on “ART UPDATE”

  1. SMB8865 said at 8:12 pm on October 20th, 2011:

    Stay strong Art! You are in good hands with your attorney . Thinking and praying for you!

  2. 11 May 1961 said at 8:53 pm on October 20th, 2011:

    I no longer see any ads from Mike Halfacre or Diane Gooch on this blog site. I’m not surprised; even rats have the sense to abandon a sinking ship.

    Incidentally, when is the last time Michael Laffey handled a criminal case? I’m surprised he was able to find Judge Scully’s courtroom, much less know what do when he got there.

  3. Name (required) said at 9:15 pm on October 20th, 2011:

    The Halfacre ad is right below this blog entry on the main page.

  4. admin said at 10:24 pm on October 20th, 2011:

    Here come the haters. Have to find something nasty to say about everyone. For the record no adds have been changed and no requests have been made by advertisers to do so.

  5. TheDigger said at 10:39 pm on October 20th, 2011:

    Art – my prayers are for you and your family during this trying time. May God give you the perseverance to withstand the onslaught. Listen to your attorneys but keep your faith in God.

  6. MLaffey said at 10:42 pm on October 20th, 2011:

    Wow my very own stalker, even knows his dates.
    I had a map that got me to Judge Scullys and the advice and assistance of a number of experienced criminal law attorneys including my co-counsel Stan Werse who did the heavy lifting.

  7. StopDrinkingTheKoolAid!!! said at 11:53 pm on October 20th, 2011:

    People here need to get with the reality of the situation, stop talking about God, and making Gallagher seem like some sort of victim here. If the State of Delaware, and a judge in good standing there, ordered this be done, it must have been for a good reason.
    According to information in this link,

    Which was a story apparently run by a news institution, there are things like forgery involved here. So, how, per the lastest statement from Gallagher on here, can it be claimed that this all arose from a “reposession” of vehicles? Wouldnt there have to be evidence of forgery for him to be charged witht that, or for the matter theft?
    Yes, it is true that at time innocent people are arrested and charged with crimes, but most of the time that is not the case.
    If this was a simple case of a repossession gone bad, why would someone need to resort to forgery. Which once again, there would have to be some evidence of for someone to be charged with it.
    It also is still amazing that there continues to be advertising on this site, as well as advertising for political campaigns! Unbelievable! Stop drinking the Kool Aid, and wake up and smell foul stench of this whole deal!

  8. Ray Goddard said at 2:54 am on October 21st, 2011:

    I was one of the folks sitting in the front row supporting Art. You can judge your real friends in the bad times. Frankly, this is just a civil matter that has been blown out of context because of Art’s high profile. Art, I love and respect you and Lori and will always be by your side as you have done for so many others. I have watched Art do many acts of charity and help others. Art does not deserve this, but we will work through this. For all of the negative thinkers, think about his wife and his family and walk in his shoes one day. I do not hide with a online secret name. Call me 732 687 1183 to discuss.

  9. admin said at 7:42 am on October 21st, 2011:

    Perhaps you missed the rules previously posted. No discussion about civil litigation.
    It is too easy to twist complex legal matters and take random pleadings out of context and Art is not available to defend himself. That is why your post was deleted.

    As temporary administrator I make the rules and that is my rule.

  10. Chris said at 9:16 am on October 21st, 2011:

    I don’t get it, why people keep bringing up the ads issue. Organizations don’t place ads on a website because they love and support the website’s owner, they place ads because they determined the website has good traffic and want the exposure to the site’s visitors. I’d assume traffic is still pretty high since people check back to see if there are any updates about Art. Judging by the number of comments recently, I’d say traffic might’ve gone up.

  11. Dan Jacobson said at 10:50 am on October 21st, 2011:

    Art is entitled to the presumption of innocence. He obviously has a side of the story he wants to tell. Our Constitution and legal system is designed for all the facts to be in before a judgement is made. It’s part of something called Due Process, and it’s what distinguishes our nation from others that don’t respect the rights of the individual.

    Whether you like or dislike Art, or feel he did or did not respect that presumption of innocence for others, is irrelevant. If you believe in our Constitution and system of government, you allow the man his due process through the whole proceedings and wait for the outcome at the end.

    Everyone in our nation — whether a saint, a sinner, or something in between — is guaranteed that right.

    And I say it’s the responsibility of citizens in our democracy to understand this aspect of our legal system, and respect it in their own public comments about anyone charged with a crime.

    Dan Jacobson

  12. James Hogan said at 12:02 pm on October 21st, 2011:

    Mr or Mrs Admin, is there a private email address (even an anon gmail/hotmail one so as not to give your own identity?) that folks can reach you at with questions/comments/ideas for stories/ongoing issues/problems/etc?

    Ray/Mike, please do pass along my best to Art. If I hadn’t already been through something like this once before, I might be a bit disappointed with our legal system and my fellow freedom loving citizens who instantly assume guilt instead of assuming innocence until proven guilty, by a jury of your peers, beyond a reasonable doubt.

  13. admin said at 1:31 pm on October 21st, 2011:

    [email protected]

  14. Heraclitus said at 1:38 pm on October 21st, 2011:

    Now that Art Gallagher is on D-block, I wonder if he is still using the N-word “in a controversial fashion?”

  15. Lois said at 5:20 pm on October 21st, 2011:

    Admin—please add my very best well-wishes, prayers and a big hug to Art–i continue to pray for the whole situation and ALL involved.

    Thanks Mike, James, Ray,Dan–stand-up friends who model GOOD character for us (unlike the individuals who always can’t wait to get in a nasty gibe)

  16. James Giannell said at 2:58 pm on October 22nd, 2011:

    Art, your a good man and I don’t believe
    the BS your accused of.

  17. James Giannell said at 3:01 pm on October 22nd, 2011:

    By the way, I almost forgot to mention that you have an excellent Lawyer working for you, but then again, you obviously know that.

  18. Freespeaker1976 said at 7:18 pm on October 22nd, 2011:

    Mike Laffey,

    Yes; Stalkers do indeed abound her. I would have thought you would have had one sooner.

    Me, personally; I consider it a badge of honor though when the looney left looses it to the point that they start going insane.

    I’m beginning to wonder though if these stalkers are just one or two different people with more than on pen name.

  19. WhereAreThePoliticalSupporters? said at 8:53 pm on October 24th, 2011:

    For all Gallagher’s bluster about how important and influential he is, and all the powerful political connections he has, isnt it amazing that none of these people have come on here to say thay they support him? Supposedly he has all the cel numbers of everyone up to the governor, and all the most important political figures know him by his first name. I dont see them using their names to come out and expose how innocent Gallagher’s is!
    The only ones expressing support, are just his blogger buddies, who like Gallagher, consider themselves legends in their own minds! I think what is not being posted here says more than what is.

  20. admin said at 9:17 pm on October 24th, 2011:

    where are all the Political supporters,

    You are a moron. Of course those people are not on this website expressing support for Art. I would not expect them too. They have no idea whether he is guilty or not and if he was they would have a lot to lose. As soon as Art is cleared they will all be back
    Politicians are not friends of anyone. Even I know that.

  21. Freespeaker1976 said at 9:39 pm on October 24th, 2011:


    I second your comments about Where Are being a moron. Idiots like this are only here to be flamethrowers. Whoa & Behold they were in the same position, it would be innocent until proven guilty.

    With the left, it’s NOT the facts, “it’s the seriousness of the charges” and all those on the right should be punished BEFORE they are found guilty.

    Worse yet, they not only attack Art, but they attack his friends, “guilt by association, legends in their own mind,” people like “Where Are” say.

    Whatever happened to just “being there for a friend? Or, is it that those on the left are so shallow that they can not empathize with friendship?

  22. Don't Click Here said at 11:49 am on October 25th, 2011:

    Admin, it’s lose not loose . “You” and MLaffey make that same mistake often. Just a coincidence I’m sure.

  23. Ray Goddard said at 1:29 pm on October 25th, 2011:

    On Thursday October 27 at 9am, Art will have his bail reduction hearing in Thomas Scully’s courtroom. I will be in the front row again with his beautiful wife Lori and his other real friends. I would love to see Dan, Jim and Lois there as well. Once he is released, he will be able to defend himself properly. That is a right under our constitution that we all would want. However, I am confident that he did nothing wrong based on my knowledge of him for nearly 10 years. See you in court on Thursday.

  24. Patrick Lawrence said at 3:08 pm on October 25th, 2011:

    loose / lose pretty common typing error.
    Thats real thin.

  25. Lois said at 8:04 pm on October 25th, 2011:

    i’ll be there. See you all Thursday.

  26. TR said at 11:21 pm on October 26th, 2011:

    HOLY CRAP! I go out of the country for a few weeks and Art gets arrested. I Hope these allegations are untrue.

  27. Middletown Mike Fan said at 2:17 pm on October 27th, 2011:

    Why did you delete the update that dealt with Art Gallagher’s bail reduction hearing this morning? Does the truth hurt that much?

    That said, your censorship matters little. Art will remain in jail and Middletown Mike is reporting the truth about what happened in court this morning.

  28. Admin said at 3:39 pm on October 27th, 2011:

    Middletown Mike Fanboy
    Peddle your slander elsewhere. You needlessly attcked numerous people. Instead of just reporting the simple facts.

    I will make a deal with you. I will print anything you want to say when you use your real name, stop using your creepy fake email addresses and stop using a hide my IP service.

  29. Freespeaker1976 said at 4:50 pm on October 27th, 2011:

    Middletown Mike Syncophant,

    Middletown Mike’s writing style is about as juvenile as they come. As well, he certainly took sides on the appearance and style of the attornies, commenting on how well the Prosecutor was dressed.

    Mike’s rantings were nothing more than a hit piece and such his BS is nothing more than tripe.

  30. Lois said at 7:28 pm on October 27th, 2011:

    i ditto Freespeaker’s last sentence, (lots of BS written by whoever is Middletown Mike) because i was present in the court room also, and do not agree with any of Middletown Mike’s personal interpretations of what transpired. Take it from whence it comes, from a person with a definitely not-nice personal agenda….

    “Slimeball” comes to mind….

  31. Notquite said at 7:33 pm on October 27th, 2011:

    Truth to tell, both Art and Middletown Mike are sorely in need of refresher courses in spelling, usage and grammar. Nevertheless, they depart company when it comes to the content of their blogs. Mike tells the truth- Art twists the truth. Thems just the facts folks.

  32. Enquiring Minds Want to Know said at 8:49 pm on October 27th, 2011:


    Were you the, “…obese woman that read the paper the whole time…” or the, “skinny older lady who looked confused?”

    Seriously, if you were there, please tell us how and/or where Heraclitus and the truth parted company.

  33. Lois said at 5:51 pm on October 28th, 2011:

    Sorry-not going there—i fail to see how a “he said/she said,” would be helpful to anything.

    The people who showed up for Art all had caring hearts—care about Art, his situation, his well-being, his loved ones. When the s*** hits the fan in life who will stand with/by me? –withhold judgment until i have had an opportunity to speak….believe in me?

    Here’s my take on the whole thing: a series of MANY missed communications, over a LONG period of time; people at various times and places LEAPED to conclusions, which resulted in a BIG mess. It is in the process of getting straightened out.

    My wish? people who are out for blood, cool your jets. The others–keep praying for Art and the whole situation, for Light, wisdom and guidance.

  34. Jim Granelli said at 10:54 pm on October 28th, 2011:


    Well said, especially with regards to the last paragraph.

    Unfortunately though, in this word; there are certain kinds of people who just relish at dumping on someone’s misfortunes.

    Too bad, they can’t invent a “BS Detector” for when they show up here.

    Hang in there Art. Better days are coming.

  35. Lois said at 7:40 am on October 29th, 2011:

    This seems to be the central communication hub: a message can get to everyone at the same time.

    Re Visiting Art. i understand he’s okay with visitors–has had; welcomes.

    Rules: (from the horse’s mouth, a guard at the facility) Hours are extremely limited, and, only ONE visit per day—cannot have a stream of visitors, one after another. People CAN go in together for that one visit.

    Thus, you will be turned away, if you happen to arrive after someone else has already been there.

    i share this, because i do not want to pre-empt a family member/someone else Art really wants to see, but i do want to be able to visit when i travel all the way over there…

    Solution???? coordinating with others???–or is this just an “it is what it is—figure out what works for you”

    This a FYI—there are many conflicting communications out there about how this thing works…. And as always in life, bad, conflicting, missed communications cause messes and bad feelings.

  36. Lois said at 7:49 am on October 29th, 2011:

    PS: Guard said there is no “making a reservation” — and the thing about “only one male and one female visitor per day” is not true. He was adamant—shoot him, not me, if it is otherwise.

    Parking right in front of the facility; only need a photo idea (no background check, or pre-registration).

    i am going first thing Sunday morning–10:30am, for males A-L.

  37. Lois said at 7:51 am on October 29th, 2011:

    ooops—-“ID” not “idea” !!!

  38. God Bless IBEW Local 400 said at 9:02 am on October 29th, 2011:

    Lois, when you see Art on Sunday, please tell him that all the good folks at JCP&L and IBEW Local 400 say hello. Please tell him that we are hoping that Art is very comfortable in his jail cell. No one deserves a comfortable jail cell more than does Art Gallagher.

    I.B.E.W., Local 400

  39. NeptuneMatters said at 11:02 am on October 29th, 2011:

    God Bless,

    You mean the same Local 400 that has the “Support Occupy Wall Street” sign in front of it, supported by Eric Houghtelling, their political director?


  40. Lois said at 11:10 am on October 29th, 2011:

    Will do – you guys da best. i will print and enlarge your message so he can read it and really take it in… He will appreciate your belief that his accommodations should be a step above the others’…

    Any other messages from others? i will happily play pony express/carrier pigeon.

    There is a communication problem in this situation—telephoning is OBSCENELY expensive–i don’t know with whom or how he is able to communicate with anyone—–this is not the time to be “all alone/wondering”….

  41. Honest Abe said at 12:59 pm on October 29th, 2011:

    The vast editorial staff at the Monmouth County Republican Blog were shocked enough by the allegations against fellow blogger Art Gallagher to come out of hiatus. What it sounds like here is someone using the Criminal court system in a vindictive manner to address what should be a Civil matter. If that is in fact the case, we hope the justice system swiftly resolves this.
    Our thoughts and prayers go out to Art and his family at this time.

  42. Just Saying said at 4:54 pm on October 29th, 2011:

    Psst … Abe, the State of Delaware is claiming that Art took forged documents to the DMV in that state and obtained titles to vehicles in a fraudulent manner. It’s a little more than a civil matter.

  43. Pssst again said at 6:37 pm on October 29th, 2011:

    For the “Monmouth County Republican Blog” aka “Honest Abe.”

    Never heard of you before your posting here so of course I checked out your site. As they say, the devil’s in the details but then it’s that attention to detail that counts. If you want to be taken seriously that is. So I figured I’d bring to your attention that it’s “link,” not “linc.” Unless of course you’re referring to that intrepid crime fighter Linc Hayes.

  44. Ray Goddard said at 11:51 pm on October 29th, 2011:


    I spoke to Art 5-6 times on friday. He is working hard under the most difficut circumstances to restore his good name.

  45. ADMIN said at 1:45 pm on October 30th, 2011:

    I just want to say that administrating this site has been a real eye opening experience.
    For instance all the posts attacking Art and anyone who supports him is the work of one possibly two people. They use fake email addresses and services that hide there real IP address. Plus the stuff I will not let them post they post on other sites.
    Amazing that they put that much time and effort into hating.

  46. Lois said at 5:44 pm on October 30th, 2011:

    i had a great (underlined) visit with Art today–he is upbeat, working hard daily with his team of advisers and supporters; optimistic about how everything is going–and i am extremely hopeful he will be back with us real soon.

    We both agreed: boy, are we learning many good vital life lessons through all this…

    i can’t wait to have his voice back here again and to hear more.

    Thanks, Admin, for updating us (above post)—restores my faith in human kind.