

State Senator Joe Kyrillos (R- Monmouth/Middlesex) responded to reports that Jersey City will borrow to pay for more than $9 million in accumulated personal time and sick time this year by calling again for an immediate vote to end unused sick leave payouts for public employees:”Today, we saw the clearest example yet of how the Democratic Majority’s refusal to enact meaningful sick leave reform is costing the taxpayers of New Jersey. Jersey City is being forced to pay $9 million in unused leave benefits, rather than controlling taxes and improving services is bad enough. Sick leave is not deferred compensation. It is not a retirement plan or a bonus- it is intended to be used as time off when an employee is sick. The Majority needs to recognize that we must end, not just cap, these payments and post the Governor’s conditional veto immediately.”

The amended version of, S-2220, which would change the retirees unused sick leave statute is now pending before the State Senate.

Posted: October 12th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Joe Kyrillos, Press Release | Tags: , , , | 6 Comments »


  1. Freespeaker1976 said at 6:29 pm on October 12th, 2011:

    That’s the municipal unions for you. They’d sooner run you over than give you a break.

    What part of “there’s no money left,” don’t they get?

  2. MLaffey said at 7:04 pm on October 12th, 2011:

    This is why in the next election the citizens of jersey city need to through Healy out and elect former Monmouth County resident and my friend Sean Connelly as Mayor.

  3. James Hogan said at 7:37 pm on October 12th, 2011:

    Mike, are you’re asking the people in Jersey City to vote out the guy(s) giving handouts to the people in that city, the same people who work and vote in that city, that the rest of us pay for? And you think it’s reasonable expectation? πŸ™

    It’s not that I disagree with eliminating the payouts and benefits to public workers, but I think the statistic is/was something like 1 in 13 is a public worker? If that’s really the case and I have the number right, I’d have to guess that works out to at least one in every 3 or 4 households and maybe even half of registered voters, who knows, maybe it’s even worse in Jersey City where being a public worker is so lucrative, but my point is the same, I don’t expect these greedy public workers to vote out the same people giving them the farm away just because the rest of us don’t want to pay for it.

    As a somewhat related side note – at a “Republican” event I was at last week here in Long Branch — I spotted former LB BOE member, Peters, who I believe can personally be blamed for Joe Ferrina’s $600,000 sick/vacation payout and the rest of his elaborate benefits, putting his name on a school, etc…. anyway, she was at the same “Republican” event that Caroline was at, the same “Republican” event where Caroline was pitching her bill to eliminate these very sick/vacation payouts….. the same “Republican” event where the event was a free handout… anyway, I’m straying from my point, as usual, but I’ll share more another day at the right place and time. πŸ™‚

  4. Proud Republican said at 10:27 pm on October 12th, 2011:

    I have an easy rule of thumb for choosing who to vote for – any candidate who takes one dollar from any union should be voted out/against. Very simple. That will stop the bleeding of the New Jersey taxpayer.

  5. the truth hurts said at 10:12 am on October 13th, 2011:

    ITs a shame that the abuse of us taxpayers still continues in this state. The political cronies are still acting like they are making change and it still continues. I am not saying that some reform and progress has been made but corruption and abuse of the pensions, sick time and high salaries is still out of control and rampant. It is disgusting. 3 areas of extreme taxpayer abuse in NJ are the Monmouth County Jail where non-college degreed workers make over $200,000 a year,2- the supposedly disabled police collecting pensions (that we pay for) and then get another job or state political position and 3-The double and triple dipping jobs of the politicians working muliple jobs and eating out of the public trough. Hey Monmouth politicians, its time to put down the cocktails, get off the fundraiser circuit, stop the self promotions on facebook and get to work and make REAL change and not just be dead wood.

  6. TheDigger said at 6:10 pm on October 13th, 2011:

    Study History – civilizations fall when their leaders depend upon providing subsidies to the population for their votes. Bread and Gladiatorial circuses were provided in ancient Rome …and Rome fell when they had to hire mercenaries to defend them – the people became too lazy and dependent upon government.