The Answer We’ve All Been Waiting For
Governor Chris Christie is holding a press conference this afternoon at 1PM at his office.
Livestream coverage can be viewed here.
governorchrischristie on Broadcast Live Free
Governor Chris Christie is holding a press conference this afternoon at 1PM at his office.
Livestream coverage can be viewed here.
I just don’t see Christie running – he hasn’t finished one term yet as Governor – and as a New Jersey taxpayer, I want Christie to stay here – he’s doing too good of a job…OK, I’m selfish, I don’t want to share him with the rest of the country. At least not yet.
Well Put Digger.
And, as a formerly SERIOUSLY overweight person (now just overweight 🙂 but working on it) I worry about his health.
This isn’t something to jump full force into at the last minute without the added stress on top of him running N.J.
I think he will use good judgement, but heck; what do I know.
Drudge Report flashing “Christie Not Running” from Washington Post link.
enough drama and self-aggrandizement, he got himself known nationally, he shopped VP to let the rest of them know he’d be available, so now, get back to work, there’s plenty to deal with, here! scares me, the level of overkill, on whether there’d be a 10th horse on the dais for the next debate: electorally, the Gov. brings little to the table for the GOP next year, I stand by that previous assessment..I want a conservative person who can withstand a billion dollars of relentless onslaught next year, debate Nobama well without being labeled a racist, pick a good runningmate of another color or gender to mix our ticket up, and get the right mix of states’ electoral votes, period!.. gosh, sounds like Cain, Rubio, Perry,/or Bachmann may have to be in the pan, if in fact we get stuck with Romney, which still scares the heck out of me!..there’s simply no room for “bad” choices, this time!
I think Marco Rubio would be a good choice for VP no matter who the GOP nominates. Conservative, Cuban-American, from Florida.
So happy he made the right choice. Way to go, Gov! New Jersey needs you.
Now it’s time to focus on dealing with what promises to be a very ugly battle to save our nation. Nothing’s going to improve until Obama is voted out.
I would have lost a ton of respect for 1-Christie not keeping his word and going against everything he has said
2-Getting half the job or not even half, maybe 25% of the job done here in NJ that he promised to do.
3-ACting like NJ is a priority but doing otherwise
Furthermore, I am a big Christie fan but enough political posturing and fundraising, get back to NJ and get to work and accomplish the things you promised and preach about daily. Its time to fix NJ
but likely because we haven’t heard from Rick or Sage..