
The Increase The Lt. Governor’s Public Profile Campaign Resumes

Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno will be on the radio with NJ 101.5’s Jim Gearhart tomorrow morning at 7:35 AM and again with John Gambling on 710 AM at 8:05 AM.

Last Monday MMM noted that the front office was working to increase Guadagno’s profile.  I don’t know what it means.  I think it means that Governor Chris Christie is getting ready to run for President, despite his most recent denials.  I think he feels it.

Posted: August 31st, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: 2012 Presidential Politics, 2013 Gubernatorial Politics, Chris Christie, Kim Guadagno | Tags: , , | 4 Comments »

4 Comments on “The Increase The Lt. Governor’s Public Profile Campaign Resumes”

  1. TR said at 11:06 pm on August 31st, 2011:

    Hey Art, how about he actually finishes a whole term as Guv before you run him for President.

  2. Barry said at 5:43 am on September 1st, 2011:

    I hope the name of Fred Thompson
    rings a bell just because he also was told he must get in the race. Remember, he has no ground game, or organization in Iowa, New Hampshire, or South Carolina and he is a Northeasterner. He will also have Lonegan’s organization following him to rebut anything he says he accomplished.

    He would be entering even later than Thompson who went in about Labor Day 2007.

  3. brian said at 4:29 pm on September 1st, 2011:

    He is preparing for the big announcement on Sunday……Obama/Christie 2012
    Perfect Together…………………

  4. still say said at 8:39 pm on September 1st, 2011:

    he’s shopping VP very hard, knowing re-election in NJ, 2013, will be tough..but, really, what the hell does NJ bring to the electoral table?.. a Dem majority/plurality, that’s what!..Kim can hold her own at whatever she’s called on to do, but, I still fervently hope the national GOP does not sell us out again, and give us a retreaded Romney, and some other white guy!.. I want a new face, (Perry, Cain, etc.,with a woman and/ or minority on there, either seat, our field is good, except Romney,who is simply past his time and too much of a flip-flopper, period, and Paul, who’s way too old!)-and, two white guys’ll get killed, every time they dare to criticize the Chosen One’s lousy record!… we simply cannot keep up this pattern of Doles and McCains, and expect to save this country, because they may be war heroes, and all, and that’s great,but they can’t do a thing, ’cause they can’t WIN!.. there just ain’t enough of us who work, PAY, and appreciate sacrifice for freedom!..so, a Perry(Texas)/ Rubio( Fla.) ticket sounds dandy to me, but I’m listening to others who bring actual ELECTORAL votes next year, to our side!. Christie, unfortunately, brings zippo..