
Measley Issues Apology To Lautenberg. Challenges The Senator To Turn His Wealth Over To U.S. Treasury

Charles Measley, the 21 year-old Brookdale grad and Rumson GOP committeeman, who created a media storm last week with his “We must eliminate the rich” graphics on a YouTube video of U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg’s remarks in Belmar, issued the following statement this afternoon:

On August 14th I filmed and uploaded a video of Senator Frank Lautenberg speaking on the boardwalk in Belmar, NJ. The video, which was uploaded to YouTube, featured the Senator calling on “the rich” to pay more taxes. The Senator stated that “there’s another place to get your money, and it’s to get it from people like me.”  This argument has become an all-too-familiar refrain from the super-elite worth more than $50 million, as is Senator Lautenberg.

Towards the end of the video I misunderstood what the senator was saying. I thought the Senator at one point said “eliminate the rich.” However, after others brought up concerns regarding the video, I examined the footage more carefully and have since determined that the Senator did not say “eliminate the rich.” Rather, he muddled what sounds like a mix of the words “ways” and “waste.”

I would like to formally apologize for misunderstanding and misquoting the senator.

Sen. Frank Lautenberg is not against the presently rich; he is against people becoming rich, lest they become part of his exclusive club. Those who are super-rich, like the senator, are worth millions of dollars. The Senator can afford to live off the $50 Million he has amassed over his 50-year political career and doesn’t need any new income streams. Raising income taxes on the super-rich like Senator Lautenberg would not affect people like the Senator because they have already accumulated their wealth.

Rather, raising the income tax rate prevents individuals in the middle class from becoming rich like Senator Lautenberg. It does this by taking away their means to become rich and that is bytaxing their income.

Senator Lautenberg has been an unfailing member of the class warfare party (i.e. Democrats) for half a century and in that time he has become extremely wealthy on the backs of the middle class. Yet his policies and those of his party have resulted in nothing but the near-complete prevention of middle class Americans achieving the American Dream.

I challenge Senator Lautenberg to write a check to the U.S. Treasury for $50 million dollars. His Senate salary, together with the Social Security he collects, should be plenty off of which to live. Millions of less fortunate Americans do it every single day.

In closing, while Senator Lautenberg may not have actually said “eliminate the rich”, by his policies he has prevented untold numbers of hard-working Americans from becoming rich like him. “Preventing” and “eliminating” in this sense, are one and the same.


Posted: August 22nd, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Frank Lautenberg | Tags: , | 8 Comments »

8 Comments on “Measley Issues Apology To Lautenberg. Challenges The Senator To Turn His Wealth Over To U.S. Treasury”

  1. Bob English said at 6:33 pm on August 22nd, 2011:

    What Mr. Measley should do is contact the 200-300 websites/blogs that posted that video (and noted that the Senator said “eliminate the rich.”) He can advise those that was not true. Most of those sites continue display the headline “eliminate the rich” with the video, despite being advised that those words are not accurate.

    The reason I know this is because I personally posted comments on a number of those sites and in some cases left a link to Art’s column where he did a great job of setting the record straight. Roughly 50% of my comments where deleted by the moderators of those sites or never actually made it online prior to being deleted.

    Some of these are nationally known bloggers who apparently prefer to continue to feed their readers inaccurate information rather than to correct the record. An interesting list I might add.

    To their credit 3 or 4 websites/bloggers did post corrections or pulled the video. A few others let my comments stay on their site even though they said they disagreed with them. On at least two sites, I was actually banned from posting further comments. I apparently was letting the facts get in the way of their beliefs and information they wanted to convey.

  2. Charles M said at 7:24 pm on August 22nd, 2011:

    That statement is from a press release that I sent out. Who ever publishes it, publishes it. The video has been updated.

  3. Politicalpony said at 9:17 pm on August 22nd, 2011:

    Charles, good work. Honesty is the best policy. The rest of your quote was right on as well. Lautenberg, Menendez and Obama should contribute most of their wealth to the Federal Government. Include the highest up executives of GE in that “Socialist”group as well.

  4. ArtGallagher said at 9:25 pm on August 22nd, 2011:

    Polticalpony…that last remark is over the top and detrimental to your cause. I deleted it.

    Bob has consistently offered MMM readers thoughtful and well sourced material.

    Bob is more than welcome here. His contributions are valued.

    We don’t have to agree with each other to respect each other.

  5. HeleneHenkel said at 10:35 pm on August 22nd, 2011:

    Good job Charles, when you noticed the error you corrected it. What more can we ask for?

  6. Freespeaker1976 said at 8:46 am on August 23rd, 2011:

    Word has it that Lousenberg won’t send his check for $50 million until Warren Buffet first writes the check Bachman asked him to write.

    Hypocrites all. They say tax us more, but won’t have the cojones to write a check on their own.

  7. Charles M said at 11:18 am on August 23rd, 2011:

    @ Freespeaker1976 
    You are absolutely right! We need to call them out and show the people who they really are.

  8. Bob English said at 1:17 pm on August 23rd, 2011:

    Art…thank you for your kind words. I think everyone benefits when issues are debated/discussed respectfully sometimes with different points of view.