
Workcamp To Return To Monmouth County

By Art Gallagher

The fifth biennial Jersey Shore Workcamp will occur in Monmouth County during the week of July 10th through 16th.

Founded by Bill and Gail Bechtoldt, the owners of Koch Flowers and Gifts, Middletown, in 1999, the project brings 440 teenagers from throughout North America to perform home repairs for the needy.

This year the project has accepted 130 applications for home repairs.  Bill Bechtoldt expects that the camp will complete between 80 and 100 of the requested repairs during the week that the teenagers are working.

Here’s a video of an NJN report on the camp in 2007:



The Bechtoldt’s are looking for help from the community as they prepare for the teenagers arrival.

There is a need for 200 ladders, both steps and extensions, which will be returned upon completion of the project.

Donations of paint brushes and rollers are needed.

Volunteer labor is needed on July 6, 7, and 8th to dig holes and pour concrete at seven sites where wheelchair ramps will be built during the project.  The bearings must be inspected before the teenagers can build the ramps.

Volunteers are also need to deliver paint and other materials to the sites on July 6,7 an 8.

Bechtoldt is also looking for volunteers for the weeks after the camp to perform clean up and to complete repairs the campers do not reach.

Money is always needed.  The cost of materials this year is $45,000.

To volunteer, lend a ladder or donate paint brushes or rollers contact Bill or Gail Bechtoldt at 732-671-1036.

Send money to Jersey Shore Workcamp, 1870 Route 35, Middletown, NJ 07748.

Jersey Shore Workcamp is a 501 c 3 non-profit.

High school students 14 years of age and older can still be enrolled into the project here.

Posted: June 9th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: | 1 Comment »

One Comment on “Workcamp To Return To Monmouth County”

  1. MoreMonmouthMusings » Blog Archive » Charitable Choices said at 2:13 pm on June 10th, 2011:

    […] has been bothering me about the Jersey Shore Workcamp project I wrote about yesterday.  It is the same thing that bothered me about a similar project I […]