
Why Sean Kean Will Not Face A Primary Challenger

By Art Gallagher

Dan Jacobson’s column, Tea Party target? Republican Sean Kean is long allied with the NJEA and government employees unions, while an entertaining read, as most of Dan’s work is, will never happen. Only a moron would primary Kean this year.

It’s not that Dan doesn’t have some valid points. He does. Government labor loves Kean. So does private sector labor. Big business loves Kean too. A look at Kean’s list of campaign contributors reveals that the 11th district senator is well funded by both labor and business interests dependent on friends in Trenton.

Ideological conservatives consider Kean a RINO. The loudest of the ideologues are morons and have been making some noise about challenging Kean. They’re morons because they would rather support candidates that comply with 100% of their ideology and lose elections then support an imperfect candidate that agrees with them most of the time and wins.

Jacobson argues that the right shouldn’t like Kean because he’s friendly with those who Governor Chris Christie is fighting. Kean could potentially have a bigger problem because he apparently fell out of favor with Christie when he issued a statement critical of the state’s clean up efforts during the December blizzard.

To the casual observer, Kean might look vulnerable to a primary challenge from the right.

He’s not.  Not a serious one.

Jacobson doesn’t like Kean because he voted against gay marriage.

The gay community is furious with Kean, not just because of his vote against marriage equality, but more so because of what he said before casting his vote:

Kean might be right that he has the gayest legislative district in the state. Even so, Jacobson knows that the gay vote won’t be enough to defeat Sean Kean in the general election. That’s why Dan wants someone like Anna Little or me to challenge Kean in the primary. Dan knows how to count. He knows that only way to defeat Kean is in a primary. Democrat Dan also knows that if Kean were to be defeated in the primary that his “safe seat” would suddenly be in play. It won’t happen. State Senator is too small a title for Anna Little and I’m not a moron.  At least I’m not that much of a moron.

As imperfect as Sean Kean is, if he could be beat in a Republican primary, Steve Corodemus would be a senator. Kean is from Wall Township and he is wildly popular there. Wall Township dominates the 11th district and it will likely dominate what ever district Kean lands in after redistricting.

Kean and Corodemus had an uneasy partnership as Assembly members representing the 11th from 2002, when Kean was appointed to fill the seat vacated by the death of Assemblyman Tom Smith, through 2008 when both men left the Assembly. Corodemus had been in the Assembly for 10 years before Kean, who had never before held elective office, won Smith’s seat. Corodemus was the heir apparent to Senator Joe Palaia. Yet Kean’s ambitions were obvious. In their second race together, 2005, Corodemus and Kean were targeted by the state Democrats and narrowly won reelection against Corzine funded challengers. The winning votes came from Wall Township and Kean was the top vote getter.

Corodemus is not a moron. When Palaia announced he would retire rather than seek another term in 2007, Steve did the math and realized his seniority would not overcome Kean’s popularity in the southern part of the 11th district, especially Wall. Corodemus also announced his retirement from the legislature rather than challenge Kean in a primary or serve in the Assembly “under” Senator Kean.

Jacobson says a Tea Party type should take on Kean. That would be insane to do in a blue state against a “safe” Republican incumbent in a year when Republicans are attempting to win control of the legislature against steep odds. The Tea Party folks I talk to are not insane. They see the lay of the land and would rather work to pick up Republican seats in the Senate and Assembly than to put a “safe” seat at risk. They know that if Kean’s seat becomes vacant that the Democrats will recruit a viable candidate to run for it, even if that means changing nominees after the primary, and dedicate money to try to win the seat.

Anna Little couldn’t defeat Sean Kean in a primary and neither could I. I wouldn’t challenge Kean because I know I couldn’t defeat him. Little won’t do it because State Senator is not a prestigious enough title for her.

The only person who could defeat Sean Kean in a primary is Jacobson himself. If Dan changed parties he might be able to get 3000 of his Independent readers to declare as Republicans on primary day and vote for him. There were only about 2600 primary voters in district 11 in 2009. There’s little reason to expect a larger turnout this year, unless Dan Jacobson dedicates his paper to bringing out new voters to vote for him.

Jacobson is thinking about it. A few hours after he sent me his column he sent me an email asking if Kean is pro-life.

“Something tells me that neither you nor Anna is going to going to run against him, which means it will fall to me to take him on in the GOP primary.”

“If I can determine that he’s not for banning abortion, then the only constituencies he’ll have left are gun nuts and the anti-gay bigots. Then again, those two groups make up the majority of the Republican Party so I guess I can’t win.

Anyway, do you think Sean is pro-life?”

I don’t know if Kean is pro-life. I suggested that Dan call Sean and ask him. “Naaaw, he’s a pussy! Pussy, pussy, pussy!” I love how Dan expresses himself because it allows me to quote him, push the envelope myself, and still come off as a Republican.

“Wait a minute Dan,” I said, “You don’t want to call Sean Kean and that makes him a pussy?”

I don’t think Dan will do it. Maybe he was joking. He’s always joking. Maybe underneath it all he’s a, you know, …..not a moron.

Posted: March 18th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | 8 Comments »

8 Comments on “Why Sean Kean Will Not Face A Primary Challenger”

  1. Dan Jacobson said at 11:34 am on March 18th, 2011:


    A great analysis. And hilarious commentary!

    Oh, sorry, buddy…gotta go. I didn’t realize the time. Have to be out in Freehold before the county clerk’s office closes to get my change of party card, and pick up my petitions.

    Yeah, yeah. I know. There’s that $2.8 billion Florio tax package people think I voted for 20 years ago as a Democratic Assemblyman. Not a problem. It wasn’t me. It was some other guy named Dan Jacobson.

    I mean, really, what moron would vote for such a thing?

    Best regards,


  2. James Hogan said at 12:36 pm on March 18th, 2011:

    Wait, so Republicans are supposed to be mad at Sean Kean for some votes that he has made that aren’t the best Conservative Republican positions, and then we’re supposed to forget about the votes he has made that have been good for Republicans, and so I’m supposed to go vote for the far left liberal Jacobson, just because his name will be in the Republican column, and by electing Dan, I’d be getting rid of a RINO? Something here in Dan’s argument doesn’t seem to make sense to me but maybe I’m over simplifying. Wouldn’t that just make Dan a RINO? Is Dan going to be mad at himself? Why does poor ol’ Dan seem so mad anyway, I thought his off-line paper was a huge success and he was just Sheening his way through life on that hugely popular newspaper? I’m going to have to go vote for Sean Kean now because Dan is a RINO and I’m mad, about something, because I read that I was supposed to mad, about something.

  3. Justified Right said at 1:12 pm on March 18th, 2011:

    As the MMM resident expert on all things Asbury Park, I can assure you that the Gay political action committee can, on its best day, get about 90 votes to go their way.

    They got beat badly in the last board of ed election, where sometimes it only takes about 90 votes to win a seat.

    The only time they claim “victory” is when they happend to support a candidate everyone else is supporting and he or she wins (in fairness you don’t have to be Gay to get their support).

    I don’t know if there is any voting block out there that Sean needs to worry about, but it certainly isn’t Asbury Park gays.

    I don’t mean to be tough on them. They do some good there in AP. They just don’t have the muscle to bump off a guy the rest fo the district likes.

    In the district, Asbury Park is the liberal donut hole surrounded by conservative dough.

  4. Michael S. Golub said at 6:55 pm on March 18th, 2011:

    Sean Kean is not a perfect candidate because he is not a perfect person. As is the case with all persons who walk on earth! Sean is however a perfect example of a principled individual who’s most dominant strength lies in his deep and abiding sense of urgency, fairness and his flexibility in weighing what is best for the 11th NJ Leg. District as a collective. I resent the notion that Sean Kean himself and the majority of any specific political party or their affiliates, is numbered by “gun nuts and anti-gay bigots.” A well overdue lesson to the American Electorate is that the Keith Oberman style commentary doesn’t work for either major political party or fraction thereof. People like Dan Jacobson throw liquid on a fire because they want to appear like they’re fighting the flames of prejudice and hate. It’s primitive stage theatrics and crafty sensationism. Getting closer to the source of the double-speak liberal-spin, mooshy, “why can’t we all get along” drum beat reveals that the liquid being thrown is most often a lethal accelerant (more violent hate) and not water. Many among us who speak in the public forum, and passionately preach tolerance and sensitivity are with very few exceptions the very most dangerously intolerant! I would encourage Dan to run in any primary, and put himself out there instead of hiding behind a newspaper that always seems to have it’s distribution displays curiously filled to the brim, with not only current copies, but several months of back issues as well. Obviously, and especially as of late, the paper’s message doesn’t carry very well and I suspect doesn’t sell to anyone beyond using it as a local yellow pages and social column. Advertisers are appropriately dedicated and committed to the market that picks up the paper, with loyalty and respect as they should be, but most likely few readers and fewer businesses if any, agree with the vision and message of the publication. The businesses are merely looking for pictures of dead presidents, and those few readers only looking for ideas for places to eat and shop. I read it because I never embraced and liked Mad Magazine very much, and this one is free and works well to assist me in curbing my dog. I learned in business a long time ago free advise and opinion is worth exactly what you pay for it. I’m not offering Dan mine, beyond this posting and each person who reads this can discount this as well. I know one thing fairly clear, the future of Politics in NJ, and the name is Sean Kean. To remember the past for a brief minute, Steve Corodemus is an exceptionally qualified and widely respected person as well. Keep up the good work, because I don’t anyone thinking that Sean’s seat is a shoe-in. Sean will work hard to serve the District. Faithful and deliberate service to the public isn’t what he does, it’s what he is! Bring it on! His ENTIRE record in the NJ State Senate can do battle for any case made not to return him to office. Not voting for Sean is simply foolish.

  5. NoNameThisTime said at 10:09 pm on March 18th, 2011:

    Art…maybe someday they’ll get it.

  6. TR said at 12:27 pm on March 19th, 2011:

    Wow how much is Kean paying that guy.

    All joking aside (and this has been hilarious)

    My problem with Sean is that ,in my opinion, he has been involved in mostly feel good legislation that is a complete waste of time. Nothing substantial has been accomplished.

    He has not done anything that bad but niether has he done anything that good.
    As I said that is merely my unhumble opinion.

  7. TeaPartyDem said at 12:41 pm on March 21st, 2011:

    The Jersey Shore Tea Party occupies Kean’s district. Those “morons” are considering a primary against Kean because they are sick and tired of on again/off again conservative GOP candidates. The GOP may have snowed some NJ Tea Parties, but not all. We are happy to read that Wall Township is important because it is a hotbed of Tea Party activity and support. We are also happy to read 2,600 hundred votes can decide this thing. We believe we can do that.
    Unlike the DNC however, we are not just concerned with a candidate that can win (BHO) but a candidate that can be effective once he or she does win. If that candidate cannot be identified Jersey Shore will be sitting this one out.
    Our main concern is not Sen. Kean himself, but a NJ and overall GOP establishment that persists in it’s left of center practices. I say to my Tea Party Brothers and Sisters, remain independent, remain strong an remain true to our principles. The GOP at the end of the day is concerned with their power and influence. They toss the Tea Party support away the moment it suits their agenda as has been witnessed by Boehner’s recent comments and GOP support for the CR’s. Although a sometimes ally, the GOP must be kept under close scrutiny and held accountable for their actions. A safe RINO state senate seat is small potatoes in the larger Tea Party/GOP picture. As for the Dems, there is much work with them to break the hold of the radical leftist controlling that party. An even taller peak to climb than a self serving GOP.

  8. TR said at 10:27 pm on March 21st, 2011:

    Ok all joking aside I disagree with Art on this. I would say that of the districts in Monmouth County this is the most vulnerable.
    Now that is not to say that Rible Angelina and Kean are not nice people. I am sure they are. However, they have issues. They have a voting record best described as center left. Add that to the “pension” issues that some have raised against Dave and they are vulnerable in a primary. Wall may make a difference in the general but it is not enough to beat back a well organized primary challenge that gives disaffected conservative primary voters a choice and brings out a lot of new primary voters.

    As far as Steve Coredemus is concerned here is my take on what happened their.
    Steve was outmanuvered by the consumate political insider Kean. Kean was going to get the line and Steve unfortunatly decoded he did not want to run in a primary. Which is a shame because he would have won and been a better Senator. I suspect he was a little bitter that after all his years of service the party leaders backed a relative new comer.

    Of course this begs the question would a new tea party / conservative ticket that won the primary give the dems an opening in the general. A discussion for another day.