
The Politics Of The Brookdale Scandal

By Art Gallagher

The controversy over Brookdale Community College President Peter Burnham’s compensation and spending habits has given Democratic Freeholder Amy Mallet an issue to run on in her reelection bid. Mallet has picked up the ball and run with it.

The Brookdale issue should be a positive for Republicans.  Republican Freeholder John Curley first identified and raised the issue which led to Burnham’s suspension last week.  But while Mallet has gotten out front with the issue by calling for college chairman Howard Birdsall’s resignation and calling for term limits for Brookdale trustees, Republican Freeholder Lillian Burry, who is also up for reelection this year, has been far less aggressive. 

Mallet has made headlines, here, here and here calling for Birdsall’s resignation and greater oversight of the Brookdale board, while Burry has been supportive of the board.

Burry told the Asbury Park Press, “At this point they (the Brookdale trustees) need our support,” Burry said, adding that the board of trustees moved swiftly to address the situ­ation.

Seriously Lillian?  They should have moved swiftly.  But how long has this been going on?  Where else in county government is excessive spending going on?  The Library?  The Park System?  Nursing homes?  The vocational school system?

The Brookdale trustees should be supported in this difficult time….by their friends and families….not by a Freeholder who is charged by the taxpayers with overseeing government operations and making sure our dollars are spent prudently.  

Burry needs to decide who she is; friend or Freeholder.  If she’s a friend, she needs to get out of the way and let someone else take her spot on the GOP ticket this year.  If she is a Freeholder, she needs to step up her game.  Over the last couple of weeks Burry gave Mallet’s career new life and Mallet is making the most of it. 

Prior to the Brookdale scandal, few political observers gave Mallet much of a chance at reelection.  Now she is in the game.  This could lead to stronger Democrats stepping up to run for county and legislative office. It could make it easier for the Democrats to raise money.  It could make what was looking to be a boring Republican rout this year become a competive election season.

Posted: March 7th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Brookdale Community College, Freeholder, Monmouth County, Monmouth GOP | Tags: , , | 14 Comments »

14 Comments on “The Politics Of The Brookdale Scandal”

  1. Freespeaker1976 said at 10:36 am on March 7th, 2011:

    This is why we need a STRONG running mate for Burry. George Newberry IS NOT that candidate. It needs to be Garry Rich

  2. OH NO! Mallet is making sense. said at 10:43 am on March 7th, 2011:

    I hate to say it but Mallets proposals are pretty dam good. Term limits on these boards is right on target. Just wondering where she has been up to this point.

    As to the Brookdale Board I would like to know if Lillian has ever heard of the word Malfeasance.

    The whole board is responsible. They had oversight.
    They should all take responsibility and resign. If they will not they should be fired.

    I thought we Republicans were all about personal responsibility?

  3. Jim Sage said at 10:54 am on March 7th, 2011:


    You are right on with your assessment. John like the pit bull he is, sunk his teeth into this issue and will not let go–and rightfully so. Mallet, who has Brookdale under her purview, also is saying the right things.

    Where the hell is the rest of Board?? There silence has been deafening on the Brookdale matter; on the SCAT matter, and even the pension fraud emanating from the Sheriff’s Department.

    Their fiduciary responsibility is to watch out for the taxpayers that placed them in office.

    Didn’t Lillian want to put a friend in as County Clerk not too long ago? A friend that also was associated with her in the real estate business??

    My tea water is getting hotter!

  4. brian said at 11:11 am on March 7th, 2011:

    Lillian, either you are ignorant as to where the money goes, or complicit in malfeasance, either way, YOU SHOULD NOT RUN AGAIN.

  5. JG said at 11:57 am on March 7th, 2011:

    Curley oversees Brookdale, not Mallet

  6. CommonSense said at 1:06 pm on March 7th, 2011:

    Amy Mallet is playing politics because she’s up for reelection. She has no idea what she is doing. Stop drinking the John Curley kool-aide because if you think he is “on your side” you are far from right. He will use whoever to get what he wants. That is why the Democrats in Red Bank were doing back flips when he “left” the Democrat party.

  7. Russ said at 1:16 pm on March 7th, 2011:

    Wow…and BOOM goes the dynamite. Good stuff Art.

  8. TR said at 1:36 pm on March 7th, 2011:

    common sense,
    I have to say I agree with your assessment.
    But so what. As long as Curley’s interests align with that of the taxpayers he has my vote. As long as he takes the correct position then I am happy to let him demagogue.

  9. JW said at 2:03 pm on March 7th, 2011:

    Shake em up John. It was only 2 short years ago noboby loved you. Now you are Mr. Monmouth County!
    Looking forward to your Birthday Bash.

  10. John said at 3:22 pm on March 7th, 2011:

    Lillian better shape up on this. Otherwise if it comes to her vs. Amy Mallet, I’m backing Amy. And I’m a Republican.

  11. ??????? said at 4:07 pm on March 7th, 2011:

    So what has lillian done for us?
    Has she fought to reduce government?
    No she has fought to be Chairman.
    She has fought with Curly.
    She has fought to protect the status quo.

    Why should we support her? Just because she is a republican? Not good enough.

    I am not stupid enough to want the Dems in control but maybe one Dem ain’t a bad idea.
    Keeps everybody honest.
    So here is an idea. Vote for Mallet and whoever else the Republicans run.
    Send a message that we don’t want the staus quo.
    Time for Lillian “staus quo” Burry to be retired.

  12. Jim Sage said at 7:24 pm on March 7th, 2011:

    Boy if I recall, John Curly was persona -non- grata within certain circles of Republicans. I bet now they can’t wait to get near him so the light shines on them too. John, don’t disappoint your fans–they pull this crap, tell them where to go!!

  13. Get Real said at 9:13 pm on March 7th, 2011:

    Now I know your real intent is to stir the pot, which is to be expected, but lets not avoid the truth.
    1st.- Education – Namely Brookdale falls under the domain of Freeholder Arnone. How come you are not talking about him or his predecessors conduct
    2nd You only published comments that make your article sensational – there was an additional response quoted from Burry in the Press where she called the Brookdale presidents perks disturbing and unacceptable. How come you didn’t mention that
    3rd Don’t be so fast as to toot Mallets horn. there is alot of scandal to come in the area of human resources – the fixing of numbers by youth services to gain funding and the misuse/abuse in adult housing
    4th As to Curly, nice guy, but never met a pulpit he didn’t want to shout from – all of it generally self-serving.
    5th Any republican who claims they would rather vote for Mallet is either a liar or a fool
    6th However, keep it up Art, its always a good read, and sometimes just as much truth as Star magazine

  14. ArtGallagher said at 1:16 am on March 8th, 2011:

    1st.- Education – Namely Brookdale falls under the domain of Freeholder Arnone. How come you are not talking about him or his predecessors conduct

    Arnone was just sworn in. The prosecutor will hopefully tell us how bad the situation at Brookdale is and for how long it as been going on. All Freeholders should be looking for cost savings and to eliminate waste in all departments.

    4th As to Curly, nice guy, but never met a pulpit he didn’t want to shout from – all of it generally self-serving.

    I disagree that Curley is self-serving.

    5th Any republican who claims they would rather vote for Mallet is either a liar or a fool

    I’ve long supported Lillian and want to do so again this year. She needs to get on the right side of this issue and she needs to lead the way in cost cutting. Especially in this her reelection year. If she doesn’t, the liars and fools way well prevail in November.

    2nd You only published comments that make your article sensational – there was an additional response quoted from Burry in the Press where she called the Brookdale presidents perks disturbing and unacceptable. How come you didn’t mention that

    Unless I am mistaken, there have been 3 app articles that quoted Lillian. If I had quoted all three, this post would have been even worse for her. My point is that Mallet has grabbed the issue. If her latest quote, Burry dropped the ball.

    3rd Don’t be so fast as to toot Mallets horn. there is alot of scandal to come in the area of human resources – the fixing of numbers by youth services to gain funding and the misuse/abuse in adult housing

    I’m not tooting Mallet’s horn. I am accurately reporting that she is working this issue to her political benefit. The GOP ignores that fact at our own risk. If you have something credible regarding scandal in human resources and youth services let’s make it public. Contact me at artvg @ aol .com

    6th However, keep it up Art, its always a good read,

    Glad you enjoy it.

    and sometimes just as much truth as Star magazine

    Your cheap shot does not strengthen your weak argument.