Wall Committeeman George Newberry enters Freeholder race
WALL TOWNSHIP – Wall Township Committeeman and former Mayor George K. Newberry announced that he is seeking the Republican nomination for Monmouth County Freeholder.
“Being born and growing up in Monmouth County, I know first-hand what a tremendous jewel Monmouth County is. It is with that value in my heart for this County that I announce my candidacy for Freeholder,” he says.
“I believe I demonstrated as Mayor and as a Wall Township Committee member that I have the experience, knowledge and values to be an effective member of our Freeholder team, and I ask for the support of my party to place my name on the ballot,” he adds.
Newberry says that thanks to many decades of Republican leadership, Monmouth County is envied for having a high bond rating, low county taxes and the finest parks, recreational programs and library services. He says he plans to continue on the strong foundation laid by previous administrations and use his many years of business experience overseeing multi-million dollar budgets and large commercial projects as a member of the Freeholder Board.
“Today’s tough economic times call for vision and experience in controlling spending and waste. In continually controlling costs the Freeholder Board must keep in their vision what Monmouth County has become and make sure the high level of regard many have for Monmouth will remain. I promised the people of Wall and will promise the residents and businesses of Monmouth County that as I work toward efficiencies in budgets and they look in the future at the town they know and the County they love those places will be no less than what they envision them to be today. As a senior project manager for a large contracting company, I have hands-on experience negotiating contracts, budgeting, managing a large staff and making a dollar go further,” he says.
Living in Wall Township and working for 25 years in the Bay Shore area, as well as assisting his Father, who until his recent passing, lived in Cream Ridge, has given Newberry a bird’s eye view of the County on a daily basis for many years.
Newberry, age 55, traces his heritage back at least five generations in Monmouth County. He has been married to his wife Jeanne, formerly of Rumson, for 35 years. They have a son, Bill, and daughter, Beth.
Mr. Newberry has been a member of the Wall Fire Company #1 since 1988 and served as Chief for five years. A member of Wall Kiwanis, he was named VFW Citizen of Merit in 1996 and Wall Township Citizen of the Year in 2005. He was the second gentleman to serve as president of his local PTA in his 120 year old elementary school and is a participant of the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association as well as St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, Ocean Grove. He has volunteered with The National Park service in West Orange and served as a member on the Wall Township planning board as well as rent stabilization board. Newberry has been a member of IBEW Local 400 electrical workers union since 1977.
I think he’s got it!.. a very well-rounded, hardworking, “regular guy,” with tons of real and varied public service, that anyone should be pleased to support and vote for, to help keep our county moving forward!
This candidate is a snoozer.
we need in these troubled times, is some kind of wild ego or unqualified,untested, “risky”candidate.. hard-working, steady and thoughtful about budgets and spending our bucks,does it for me, at this point..new face, but old values, will win the day for many people, now.
Great choice. Finally somebody new and fresh. We need an infusion of ideas and experience. This guy is it.