
Remembering Dr. King

Posted: January 17th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , | 4 Comments »

4 Comments on “Remembering Dr. King”

  1. Janice said at 11:16 pm on January 17th, 2011:

    Old Uncle Ronnie tried, but could not stop MLK day from becoming a national holiday. The same reactionary forces are at work trying to dismantle healthcare for all Americans and they too will fail. Happy MLK day!

  2. ArtGallagher said at 10:38 am on January 18th, 2011:

    Uncle Ronnie signed the bill that made MLK day a national holiday.

  3. Janice said at 3:08 pm on January 18th, 2011:

    Reagan opposed the bill and threatened to veto it, but had to sign when it passed in the Congress with a veto-proof majority.

  4. Lois-from-Highlands said at 8:23 pm on January 18th, 2011:

    i’m glad we have this holiday, this day of remembrance…of a man with great courage, humility, and the courage of his convictions—who proceeded every step of the way hand-in-hand with his God. We are the richer for all that he did, and made possible–freedom (more) for all Americans. Still have a long ways to go, but we press on, hopefully with MLK’s example as a part of us. ‘Tea Party movement’ anyone?—the dynamic continues, most certainly.