Old Uncle Ronnie tried, but could not stop MLK day from becoming a national holiday. The same reactionary forces are at work trying to dismantle healthcare for all Americans and they too will fail. Happy MLK day!
ArtGallagher said at 10:38 am on January 18th, 2011:
Uncle Ronnie signed the bill that made MLK day a national holiday.
i’m glad we have this holiday, this day of remembrance…of a man with great courage, humility, and the courage of his convictions—who proceeded every step of the way hand-in-hand with his God. We are the richer for all that he did, and made possible–freedom (more) for all Americans. Still have a long ways to go, but we press on, hopefully with MLK’s example as a part of us. ‘Tea Party movement’ anyone?—the dynamic continues, most certainly.
Old Uncle Ronnie tried, but could not stop MLK day from becoming a national holiday. The same reactionary forces are at work trying to dismantle healthcare for all Americans and they too will fail. Happy MLK day!
Uncle Ronnie signed the bill that made MLK day a national holiday.
Reagan opposed the bill and threatened to veto it, but had to sign when it passed in the Congress with a veto-proof majority.
i’m glad we have this holiday, this day of remembrance…of a man with great courage, humility, and the courage of his convictions—who proceeded every step of the way hand-in-hand with his God. We are the richer for all that he did, and made possible–freedom (more) for all Americans. Still have a long ways to go, but we press on, hopefully with MLK’s example as a part of us. ‘Tea Party movement’ anyone?—the dynamic continues, most certainly.