Two years in jail for killing cats?
That seems a bit extreme to me.
A former Monmouth SPCA worker was sentenced to two years prison plus 360 hours of community service for animal cruelty charges that he plead guilty to in August, according to a report in the Star Ledger.
If you hit a vat with a car you don’t have to stop, but if you hit a dog you do.
Brian Aitken is serving 7 years in a New Jersey prison for having unloaded firearms in his trunk while he was moving from one place to another. My hope is that Chris Christie, no fan of the Second Amendment to be sure, will have the balls to pardon Aitken and send him home to his family before Christmas.
This is the “judge” that sentenced Aitken to 7 years in prison:
Thank you, Governor Christie, for not reappointing this clown to Superior Court bench.
Hmmmm….Jeff Dahmer tortured and killed cats
… Albert DeSalvo tortured and killed cats.
, Ted Bundy tortured and killed cats ,Dennis Rader, the BTK killer tortured and killed cats ….notice a pattern here ?instead of being PC lets stop it befort it starts
He should have killed an unborn baby. They would have made him a civil rights hero.
Way too lenient. He should have been given at least 10 years. It starts with cats, and then moves up. But, like most things, republicans can’t see the forest for the trees. Sad, really.
Yeah the guy was diagnosed with a mental illness. Like Ambrosia said this is just the beginning they should just lock him up for life and throw away the key.
Better yet give him the death penalty.
I think it starts with ants, then moves to cats, and then moves up. People should be fined for stepping on an ant. As for spraying ants, that’s torture, should be 10 years in hail.
Where’s “hail” Chris?