
Little Mo

By Art Gallagher

The wave is coming and Anna Little is riding it.

The enthusiasm that the “Little people” have had for her campaign in spreading. The Republican and Conservative elite have taken notice and are getting on board.  Those who have never been politically involved are waking up and digging deep.  The money that was trickling in is beginning to flow.  The Little campaign has raised well over $200K, has over $150K on hand and expects another $100K in the coming week.  That’s still paultry compared to Frank Pallone’s $4million, but  more and more contributors are getting caught in the wave.  The damn of cynicism that has been holding back jaded contributors in breaking.

Sharron Angle, Harry Reid’s opponent in the Nevada U.S. Senate Race is coming to Red Bank next Wednesday morning for a $100 per person Anna Little fund raiser hosted by Mollie Giamanco.  Angle and Little will also have a luncheon fundraiser the same day at Copper Canyon in Atlantic Highlands from 1-2:30PM.  RSVP for ether event to 732-535-0773 or [email protected] .

In addition to the local enthusiasm for Anna Little, her national profile is rising. She is in Washington this morning speaking to Faith and Freedom Conference and Strategy Briefing.  Here’s a list of the confirmed speakers at the conference:

Confirmed speakers: Anna Little, Brent Bozell, Brian Donahue, Chip Saltsman, Cong. Lynn Westmoreland, Cong. Randy Forbes, Cong. Thaddeus McCotter, Cong. Tom Price, Dana Loesch, Deal Hudson, Ed Goeas, Erick Erickson, Former Speaker Newt Gingrich, Gary Bauer, Glenn Bolger, Gov. Bob McDonnell, Grover Norquist, Hans von Spakovsky, Herman Cain, Jack St. Martin, Jackie Walorski, Jenny Beth Martin, Jim Bopp, Jim Garlow, John Fund, Karl Rove, Kellyanne Conway, Ken Blackwell, Marjorie Dannenfelser, Mark Meckler, Mark Smith, Mindy Finn, Orit Sklar, Patrick Ruffini, Richard Land, S.E. Cupp, Sen. Jim Talent, Sen. Rick Santorum, Teresa Collett, Tim Scott, Tony Perkins, Tucker Carlson, Rich Lowry, Dinesh D’Souza.

Posted: September 10th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | 14 Comments »

14 Comments on “Little Mo”

  1. Rick Ambrosia said at 12:55 pm on September 10th, 2010:

    Sharron Angle? Really? Well, I guess Anna has thrown in the towel since Angle is as radically nuts as they come. How well do you think her insane rhetoric (women should stay home with the children, wants the press to only ask questions she wants asked, beer should be treated the same way as marijuana, unemployment spoils American workers, wants the dpts. of Education, EPA and Energy to be eliminated, wants Medicare and Social Security phased out …and you can look all of this up) I could go on and on and on. Is this really who Anna wants campaigning for her in New Jersey?

    I thought Anna was a class act and cared about the people, but if this is what she stands for by having this insane woman campaign for her, then …again, I guess I was wrong about Anna.

  2. Bayshore Bob said at 4:01 pm on September 10th, 2010:

    Talk about despicable.

    Spreading despicable lies won’t stop Angle from beating Reid or Anna from beating Pallone.

  3. TR said at 4:20 pm on September 10th, 2010:

    I for one would be most dissapointed if she was not proposing doing away with the Department of Education and phasing out Social Security and Medicare.

  4. Rick Ambrosia said at 4:43 pm on September 10th, 2010:

    Of course you would TR, ’cause you’re just as nuts.

    Bayshore Bobby…you can look all of these up…and its all done in her own words. No lies here. You just can’t believe your eyes when you read the wack job comments she makes.

  5. Lois Pongo said at 9:32 pm on September 10th, 2010:

    Rick’s post sounds like another example of “an inch deep and a mile wide”… Take the issue of doing away with Depts of Education, EPA and Energy, make the statement that a politician wants to do away with them (“OMG, how could she??”), do not include the reasons why (ie, go beneath the surface to explore the state of these depts, and benefits/deleterious effects of their existence)—-and here we have an excellent example of classic liberal thinking.
    No meat.
    No meat.

  6. monmouth conservative said at 11:32 pm on September 10th, 2010:

    Sharron Angle? Really? Well, I guess Anna has thrown in the towel since Angle is as radically nuts as they come. How well do you think her insane rhetoric (women should stay home with the children, wants the press to only ask questions she wants asked, beer should be treated the same way as marijuana, unemployment spoils American workers, wants the dpts. of Education, EPA and Energy to be eliminated, wants Medicare and Social Security phased out …and you can look all of this up) I could go on and on and on. Is this really who Anna wants campaigning for her in New Jersey?

    Mr. Ambrosia:

    Where in the constitution does the federal government have the right to create these departments?? These are state issues and belong at the state level. I guess you never read the Constitution or are not educated enough to understand it.

    As for social security and medicare… they are DEAD programs, you see I am under 35. I will not be able to collect from either of these programs. WE NEED TO FIX THIS. It is broken. Please stop spewing you partisan gobligook.

  7. firesign58 said at 11:51 pm on September 10th, 2010:

    I’m thrilled that Sharron Angle has the cojones to propose doing what needs to be done to shrink the encroaching, intrusive, progressive government back into its intended, limited role. Bravo. I hope that when she and Little win their respective races, they’ll work to abolish the unconstitutional IRS too, then audit and abolish the Federal Reserve corporation and return the now-fiat currency to a gold standard. Then, finally, we might be back on track to individual liberty, personal responsibility, and our nation’s prosperity.

  8. Rick Ambrosia said at 11:51 pm on September 10th, 2010:

    Well, you seem to miss the point entirely. Does anyone here really think that the majority of New Jerseyans would agree with anything this lunatic stands for? Alcohol is to be treated the same as marijuana? Is that rational? People that are hurting and have been out of work are “spoiled” because they can collect unemployment that keeps food on the table and maybe the roof over their head? This woman is as extreme as they come.

    I’m thrilled this woman is coming to raise funds for Little. It exposes the extremism of the Tea Partiers and will do more for defeating Little in New Jersey than any ad will ever do.

  9. firesign58 said at 9:45 am on September 11th, 2010:

    Sounds like someone is worried his entitlements might end.

    No one is missing the point except the progressives. They will hear us in November.

  10. TR said at 11:10 am on September 11th, 2010:

    I am for abolishing the Departmant of Education because since it was formed by the Carter Administration Education in this Country has declined not improved. Its not getting results so why continue it. Education is best handled at the Community and State level (btw I do not favor abolishing the EPA and have no opinion yet on Dep. of Energy)
    I am in favor of phasing out Social Security because it was set up wrong. It is doomed for bankruptcy and is actuall a drain on the economy. Same with Medicare. It is poorly thought out and poorly managed program and has driven health care costs up.

    If those opinions make me NUTS then I am proud to be crazy.

    It is so much easier to throw epitaphs at those with who you disagree instaed of having merit based discussions. That way you don’t actually have to think. Isn’t that so Rick.

  11. Rick Ambrosia said at 8:06 am on September 12th, 2010:

    Well TR, I think you meant to say “epithet”…not “epitaph”…although, I wouldn’t mind saying your epitaph.

    So then, what should we do with all those old people that depend on social security? Maybe put them out on an iceberg? Or all those old people that depend on Medicare as their health insurance. Guess those people just don’t count.

    Or, how about her stance on treating alcohol the same way we treat marijuana and go back to the prohibition era. I”m not making this stuff up. All of you so called conservatives want to bring this country back to medieval times…it just ain’t gonna work that way.

  12. Monmouth Conservative said at 10:24 am on September 13th, 2010:

    Or, how about her stance on treating alcohol the same way we treat marijuana and go back to the prohibition era.

    GIVE ME A BREAK. I just googled the idea that she is for Prohibition. You are watching too much of MSLSD. Not only were those quotes taken out of context, but all she was saying was that legalizing pot may cause many of the problems we have with legalized alcohol. REASONABLE, NOT CRAZY. Please stop with all the MADDOW talking points, lets focus on real issues that the voters care about. Lower taxes and representatives that actually represent the people.

  13. SandersANNA29 said at 9:55 pm on September 18th, 2010:

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