
Cinco de Donald: A MexiCan Celebration

Updated with video

Leo CervantesWhen Leo Cervantes is confronted by a difficult circumstance, he looks for the opportunity it presents.

When the waters of Superstorm Sandy receded from Highlands, Cervantes and his staff at Chilango’s recovered the non-spoiled inventory from their destroyed Bay Avenue restaurant and invited the entire town to a free dinner that they prepared and served at Henry Hudson Regional High School which was serving as a shelter for hundreds of residents displaced by the storm.

When Donald Trump disparaged Mexicans during his presidential candidacy announcement last week, Leo, who immigrated from Neza, a tough town outside of Mexico City in 1989 and became a naturalized United States citizen in 2008, shook off the insult and created an opportunity.

Sunday, July 5th is Cinco de Donald at Leo’s two Monmouth County Mexican restaurants, Chilango’s in Highlands and the newly opened LaPlaya in Keansburg.

“Cinco De Donald” is designed to rewrite the racist and stereotypical narrative depicted by Trump in a way that celebrates the hard work and beautiful Mexican American culture that is the real MexiCan people,” Cervantes who coined the phrase MexiCan said, “I have always viewed America as the land of opportunity for all people regardless of where they came from or what circumstances brought them here. The MexiCan attitude is one that gets the job done!”  Cervantes wonders how successful Mr. Trump would have been if he had the same start as he did and so many other immigrants that come to America. “To make it here in any capacity is my definition of success whether you work in a field, wash dishes in a restaurant, or own a business. What makes you a failure in life is if you are narcissistic enough to believe you are better than the next person regardless of how much money you have in your pocket. Anyone can make it if you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth.”

Leo has special menu items and drinks for the occasion.

His famous tequila bars will feature Harve’ Climb over the Wall Banger made of cinnamon tequila, orange juice, lime juice and a splash of club soda and served over the rocks, Margarita won’t you go back to Mexico, served in a variety of different fruit flavors, and the Tequila Comb-Over which will make your hair stand up.  The Hasta La Vista Donald Margarita is made with guava, cilantro and jalapeno.

On the menu is Big Mouth Bass Burrito, El Arogante Taco made with tongue, cilantro and onion, and the El Egomaniac Enchilada which is a cheesy dish stuffed with pork belly”. For dessert Leo created the Ivana love you but I can’t which is a nutty coated fried ice cream.


View this video featuring Leo and Donald

Posted: July 1st, 2015 | Author: | Filed under: 2016 Presidential Politics, Donald Trump, Highlands, Immigration, Keansburg, Monmouth County, Monmouth County News, Things to do in Monmouth County | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Cinco de Donald: A MexiCan Celebration

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