
That Special Gift, Just In Time For Valentine’s Day

The perfect gift for MiddletownMike lovers

What says “I love you” more than than a hardcover reprint, beautifully bound in in brown cloth featuring titles stamped in gold of back issues of Middletown Mike’s newsletter, It’s Your Town?

For only $59.99, plus shipping of $3.99, you can give that special someone a gift he or she will never forget, and never re-gift.

I’m not kidding.

Can’t decide which issue to get your beloved?  Get all 56 for only $3,359.44 and save on shipping.  Shipping drops to $1.75 for additional books.

But hurry and order now to get them in time for Valentine’s Day.  Shipping takes 5-14 business days, or pay extra, $8.99 for the first book and $4.00 per additonal book, delivered in 3-6 business days.

Published by Repressed Publishing, LLC and available through Abebooks.com, show your love to that special someone with It’s Your Town.


Posted: January 29th, 2012 | Author: | Filed under: Middletown | Tags: , , , , | 15 Comments »

15 Comments on “That Special Gift, Just In Time For Valentine’s Day”

  1. ArtGallagher said at 11:09 pm on January 29th, 2012:

    This is not an early April fool’s post.

  2. ohbrother said at 6:14 am on January 30th, 2012:

    Are you serious with this? Are the Democrats in Middletown that out of it that they think people will buy their meeting notes? I bet you this is part of some fundraising scam. Start checking election reports to see how many copies unions and Frank Pallone buy.

  3. Bob English said at 7:40 am on January 30th, 2012:

    mmmmm…I had been planning on getting my wife a new set of pots and pans, a cookbook, a new vacuum and a few bags of mulch to spread around the yard. Might throw in a copy of the book also as a sign of my love and affection!!

  4. Tom Stokes said at 7:42 am on January 30th, 2012:

    At least now they’re trying to be capitalists.

  5. Jessie, now Jerome said at 7:45 am on January 30th, 2012:

    Did they remove the misspellings and typos and poor grammar first?

  6. Hmmm said at 9:45 am on January 30th, 2012:

    So if a union somewhere in Hudson County wants to wheel some money to the Middletown Dems, they can just order, say 20 copies of this, and make it look all legit?

  7. Tom Stokes said at 10:17 am on January 30th, 2012:

    So, Art when will you sell your book “Musings from the Bright Side”?

  8. ArtGallagher said at 10:23 am on January 30th, 2012:

    Tom Stokes,

    Who told you about my book?!

    Do you think Middletown Mike would promote it?

  9. Tom Stokes said at 2:17 pm on January 30th, 2012:

    Art – don’t you remember? I wrote the introduction …and you promised to autograph my copy!

    Nah, MM would list it as “Musings from the (far) Right Side”.

  10. MiddletownMike said at 4:17 pm on January 30th, 2012:


    Thanks for the shout out and book promotion, I’m sure to sell at least 1 book now!

    For Mr Stokes and all your other readers I will not be promoting the books on my blog because I am not selling any books and neither are the Middletown Democrats.

    I post the newsletter to the 3rd party server Archives.org as open source material without any copyright protection.

    Obviously Abebooks.com is trying to phish for business and entice people with vanity printings of the It’s Your Town newsletter.

    But why pay for it when you can go online and print all 56 issues yourself for free?

    Better yet, you and your readers can be placed on the mailing list and receive in your inbox by sending your request to [email protected]

    One last thing, the next issue of It’s Your Town newsletter has been published and I will be posting it shortly for your reading pleasure, it covers the Middletown Township Committee meeting of January 17th, 2012.

    For those that missed the meeting that night, it was a hum-dinger, the courtroom was packed with angry Swim Club members wanting to know why they weren’t informed previously about the financial troubles of the swim club and that the club would be closed for the up coming season.

    Enjoy reading everyone!

  11. KT said at 10:37 pm on January 30th, 2012:

    Sounds like this story was submitted from the same genius who brought us the “Bookazine” bullshit. I think it’s great that Mike’s blog is taken seriously enough that Abebooks is offering it bound. After all, not everyone has easy access to computersand those doing time in our prisons may find a beautifully bound copy of MiddletownMike helps pass the long lonely hours.

  12. IcallBS said at 6:11 am on January 31st, 2012:

    If you believe what that blowhard said above about him not trying to sell these, I have a bridge (or maybe a Turnpike) to sell you. Damage control 101.

    I’m surprised Bookazine isnt trying to peddle this smut like it does gay porn.

  13. Proud Republican said at 3:41 pm on January 31st, 2012:

    Hey Middletown Mike – when can we expect “The Ribald Tales of Alex DeSevo” to go on sale? Or how about “Plea Bargaining for Dummies” by Don Watson? Got to admit, the Middletown Democrats are very entertaining – they are the Marx Brothers of Monmouth County politics.

  14. Get Yourself a Girlfriend said at 8:01 pm on January 31st, 2012:

    No doubt IcallBS is familiar with Bookazine’s selection of gay porn from his long hours of

  15. MoreMonmouthMusings » Blog Archive » How Much Are These Commissions Costing Monmouth County? said at 8:08 am on February 1st, 2012:

    […] have gotten Gabrielan’s books cheaper from Barnes and Noble or really cheap from Abebooks, Middletown Mike’s favorite book seller for the library’s […]