
Money Bomb For Anna Little!

It’s crunch time!  72 hours to retire Frank Pallone and leave him to survive on the lucrative salary he got for his wife at the EPA.

You didn’t hear?  Yes, Frank “I’m on your side” Pallone, aka Phoney Palloney aka Falsetto Frankie got his wife a $144,385 job in “government relations” at the EPA.  She started the job in June of 2009 while you and I were struggling with the worst economic times in our lives.

But I digress.  Anna Little is going to win this race.  Let’s make sure of it by raising enough money to keep her on TV and on the radio all weekend and all day Monday until Chris Christie arrives at Bachstadt’s. (I did tell you that Christie is coming to the rally at Bachstadt’s Monday night, didn’t I? He is.)

Let’s raise $50,000 in the next 72 hours.  Click here and donate.  $10, $25, $100, $1000, $2400 (the max per person), whatever you can.

Email this post to all of your friends and family and ask them to do the same. Link this post on your facebook page and twitter it. Click here to get this post to open as its own page. Copy the link into an email and send it to everyone with a personal request.

Let’s get it done!  Donate here.

Posted: October 29th, 2010 | Author: | Filed under: Frank Pallone | Tags: , | 1 Comment »

One Comment on “Money Bomb For Anna Little!”

  1. Tweets that mention MoreMonmouthMusings » Blog Archive » Money Bomb For Anna Little! -- Topsy.com said at 9:30 pm on October 29th, 2010:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by KHartGOP and KHartGOP, That’s Right. That’s Right said: http://www.moremonmouthmusings.net/2010/10/29/money-bomb-for-anna-little/ MONEY BOMB FOR ANNA! HOMESTRETCH BABY! GO ANNA GO!! […]